
May 12, 2020 1465 Father Joseph Gill, USA

Q&A :Am I Doing Enough to Please God?

Answer: Here’s some good news for you. We never have to worry about earning God’s love or His delight!

My sister recently had her second child, my nephew, Felix. He’s an adorable baby, but like most newborns, he doesn’t do much. He just sleeps, eats and cries with, perhaps, a smile every now and then. He can’t do a lot for his Mom. He has never said, “I love you”, or given her a Mother’s Day card, or done the dishes for her. (On the contrary, he usually makes messes!)

But you know what? My sister is crazy about him! She loves him unconditionally. It is beautiful to see how tender she is with her son, how she sacrifices so much for him without asking anything in return. She constantly tells him how much he is loved, how cute and cuddly he is, and how delighted she is with him.

Why? Why does she love this little creature that never did anything for her? Because he is her child – that’s why! There doesn’t need to be another reason. She loves him simply because he belongs to her. He is her creation. He is her son.

God feels the same way about each one of us! He is a good father, and we are His sons and daughters. Even when you were only one cell within your mother’s womb, He still knew you personally and delighted in you. Even when you make a mess of your life, He still calls you tenderly to turn back to Him.

This desire in your heart to “do more for God” is good, but you should realize that what you do for God is simply a loving response of gratitude for the infinite love He has bestowed upon you. You should want to give more, to the point of giving everything – every last piece of your life – to Him. Give it all back to Him because He gave everything to you.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux said, “Where everything is given, nothing is lacking.” When you bring Jesus the little you have, and lay it in His arms, He transforms it into a glorious gift. So, what more can you do for Him? Firstly, do your daily duties with more love and devotion. As you do the dishes, do them for love of God, as if you were serving Christ Himself. When you vacuum the floor, don’t see it as simply another chore. Do it because He is the unseen Guest in every home. When you go to work or school, “do it all for the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31). God has already given you the gift that you should lovingly offer back to Him – your life.

A good way to do this is through the Morning Offering – a prayer that offers everything in your day to Him. From the depths of your heart, ask Him to dwell within you always, so that you may lovingly do your daily duties well. Just as the baby, cries out frequently for aid and attention throughout the day, remember to send up your prayers to God who will always listen attentively.

Morning Offering

O Jesus, through the most pure heart of Mary, I offer You all my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day, for all the intentions of Thy Divine Heart in adoration, reparation, thanksgiving and petition. O, my Jesus, I desire today to gain every indulgence and merit I can for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Amen.


Father Joseph Gill

Father Joseph Gill is a high school chaplain and serves in parish ministry. He is a graduate from Franciscan University of Steubenville and Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. Father Gill has published several albums of Christian rock music (available on iTunes). His debut novel, “Days of Grace” is available on amazon.com.

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