
Dec 11, 2019 1625 Sister Dr. Betty Nina

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Discover a Breakthrough in Healing

Is There a Permanent Cure?

Fifty years of medical experience opened my eyes to the sad reality that chronically sick patients may never be cured completely, despite modern treatments and sophisticated investigations. Patients still suffer from conditions like bronchial asthma, rheumatism, hypertension, diabetes and allergic disorders in spite of long-term medical care. I questioned my inability to effect total healing. The busy hospital environment constrained me to follow the routine medical regimen. Although I understood that total and permanent recovery required healing of the mind and the soul, as well as the body, I could not spend enough time exploring patient problems more deeply to accomplish this.

Then I realized that the Bible had the answer. In every healing miracle, Jesus restored the whole person. Their inner cores were unlocked by His tender touch, which probed into their souls.

A New Life

“Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38).

I had to find a way to integrate this compassionate love into the treatment of my patient. One evening, as I prayed about this in our convent chapel, I saw a spark of light inside the Eucharist. I felt immersed inside the host, like an unborn child sheltered within the womb. From that time onward, I have sensed the Eucharistic presence of Jesus within me, not only during prayer but also during the busy moments of hospital duty. Tremendous improvements in the health of the clients in my medical practice became commonplace. Some patients’ ailments were immediately relieved when they had taken only a single dose of medicine.

Healing Love

One day, a patient arrived at my outpatient department with severe chest pain. Because it was so crowded, he was not seen right away. As he sat there waiting for the appointment, he experienced a cooling sensation all over his chest and the pain disappeared. When he told me about this, I became convinced that Christ was pouring out a stream of living water in answer to my prayer.

Whenever I place my stethoscope on a patient’s chest I imagine that healing love from Christ within me is flowing through the tubes of the stethoscope to the internal organs of the patient. I picture the same love flowing back to me from the patients, creating a mutual bond between us. I never forget a patient who has come to me, even just once, and I always feel a strong relationship with patients after meeting. I believe this is the secret to sharing in Christ’s miraculous power.

The Hollow Space

In the year 2000, I had an opportunity to go to the United States to visit institutions of holistic healing. In Boston, I visited a reputable hospital where they conducted a forgiveness clinic for promoting reconciliation and spiritual healing. Several patients I interviewed had been cured of cancer, arthritis and other diseases after granting and receiving forgiveness. This prompted the insight that forgiving love could also generate immunity to prevent disease.

At a cancer hospital in New York, I heard a female doctor claim there is a hollow space deep in the chest where body, mind, and spirit merge. She referred to this as the core of one’s being that can fill with positive energy—love. The more intimate we become with this point of power, the more kindness and compassion we can bestow. I believe this is the power of the Holy Trinity, which can transform us by prayer and meditation when we invite God to dwell within us.

Toward Divine Healing

Courage, commitment and compassion are channels that enable God’s healing power to reach the sick and suffering through us. We are His hands at work in the world.

Courage supports us in performing dangerous and unpleasant duties when human health is threatened. The working environment of Mother Teresa when she was engaged in removing maggots from a body was a perfect example of this. The Sisters of my congregation do the same, committing themselves to act with tenderness, as toward Christ Himself. Commitment is required to meticulously follow procedures that foster patient health during a long day when many people require care given with love. Compassion unites us with people who feel miserable about their suffering, which distorts their mental status. Compassionate love can prompt us to perform great works of mercy.

“As long as you did it to the least brothers of Mine, you did it to Me” (Matthew 25:40). When we see Christ in our fellow men the behavior of nurses or doctors toward their patients will be more gentle and kind. In turn, Christ becomes visible in the looks, gestures, speech and actions of a healer who is centered on Him.

Struggle with Pride

Humble and menial actions performed for helpless patients with compassionate love can make us more joyful. Let me narrate one incident where I perceived this. I was working at a small village hospital in Kerala situated in southeast India. One Sunday, I visited the female orthopedic ward where I met a young woman whose whole body was encased in a plaster cast. She was an orphan who had spent her entire life begging. One day, she met with an accident that fractured her thoracic spine. As she was narrating her painful story, another woman who was visiting a patient nearby told me to tell this young woman not to speak vulgar words.

I inquired about the matter and learned the problem involved her bedpan. Since the young patient did not have any visitors, somebody had to volunteer to help her. Due to the poor conditions prevalent in the hospital, and because few staff were available most of the time, the dirty bedpan stayed under her cot. It frustrated her very much when somebody showed dismay and so she responded in vulgar language. I felt very sorry for her in this dilemma.

I heard an inner voice telling me to take the bedpan and wash it for her. However, my proud self was keeping me from doing so. I had never done such menial work. After a lot of inner struggle, I succumbed to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, took the disgusting bedpan and washed it. I felt like I was going to vomit, but I persisted until I could master that feeling. The patient was much happier. I advised her not to use vulgar words and prayed over her for some time. That night as I prayed alone in the chapel, I understood that in overcoming my pride to wash that filthy bed pan I had eased the suffering of the Lord Himself. At that moment, I felt heavenly joy as I welcomed the embrace of the crucified Lord.

Saint James encourages us to “Be doers of the word and not merely hearers” (James 1:22). We must try to be humble. Let us be ready to serve others, regardless of our positions and roles, in the same manner we would serve Jesus Himself.

Life in Abundance

Let me conclude with a message of a famous evangelist: a man on a sinking ship needs more than a tranquilizer to calm him down. He is going down already. When Jesus comes to a man on a shipwreck, He does not throw him a Valium pill and say, “Perish in peace.” He reaches down. His nail-scarred hands grip him and lift him as He says, “Because I live, you will live” (John:14:19). Jesus is the Saviour of the world who says “I have come to give you life, life in abundance” (John:10:10). When His message is lived out, it brings life, peace and healing for body, mind and spirit.


Sister Dr. Betty Nina

Sister Dr. Betty Nina belongs to the religious congregation of the Medical Sisters of St. Joseph, Kerala, India. She is a medical doctor with a specialization in General Medicine. She graduated with an MD in General Medicine and works at Assumption Hospital in Kerala.

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