
Mar 16, 2018 5216 John Clark

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Saint Joseph and a Lesson Learned in Obedience

There is something about our fallen nature that compels us to disobedience. Sometimes it is full- blown, blatant disobedience. Other times it is more subtle, like our mom encouraging us to read a book that we just cannot find the time to read. We are all guilty of it … except for one: Saint Joseph (I am not counting Mary because she was free from original sin). There is so much we can learn from what scripture says about him, his actions and, more importantly, his silence. Let us look at one story in particular from scripture that leads us to a greater appreciation for his perfect obedience to the will of the Father.

The Flight Into Egypt

Matthew 2:13 says, “Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Rise, take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.’” Let us break this down a bit and really dig into what Joseph is facing in this moment.

A Death Threat

Someone wants to kill Jesus, the Son of God. We often overlook the subtleties because we know the whole story, but Joseph did not! All he knew was that someone wanted Jesus dead. Why did the Lord have to flee anyway? He is God. Theophylact of Ochrid makes a very strong point when he says, “Even the Lord flees, to confirm that He was truly man. For if He had fallen into the hands of Herod and had not been slain, it would have seemed that He had been made flesh only in appearance.”

What this tells us about Joseph is that it was not an act. Maybe it was part of the Divine plan, but it was not on Joseph’s agenda. Joseph is scared, but there is no time for that. He does not ask the angel any clarifying questions, which probably would have been cool considering the circumstances, like, “Sure thing, God. What am I supposed to do about work though? I do not have a work visa in Egypt and I also do not speak the language … Oh, and I doubt I’ll be able to fit all my tools on the donkey considering we need to eat …” Not a word.

A Long Journey

Egypt is far away. Really far. Four hundred thirty miles far. That is Chicago to Pittsburgh which, by car, is still seven hours. The road was not one of those paved nature trails with cool shade during the day and a lighted path at night. Also, there were not many Holiday Inn Express hotels back then. If they traveled 15 miles a day, which is pushing it considering a child under the age of two, and the strong likelihood they had only one donkey, that is a journey of almost 30 days. You still have the unbearable desert heat and the strong possibility of bandits and other miscreants.

Suffice it to say, this was a dangerous journey. Not to mention they were traveling with a young child. Unlike our culture today where you move wherever work takes you, people did not move … ever. I am not just talking husband and wife, I mean generations did not move. So there is Joseph, in the middle of the night being told by an angel to pack up and travel 430 miles to a foreign land, a land he’s never been to, and the same land where his people were persecuted for 215 years. This is not exactly the first place I would think to go if my family was in danger. Again, Joseph did not ask how he was supposed to do this, he did not ask for directions. He just went.

A One-Way Ticket

The last thing I want to point out is that Joseph did not get a timeline. It was not, “Go to Egypt for 6 months,” it was, “… remain there until I tell you.” Can you imagine the conversation with your wife, “Hey, honey, an angel just told me we need to move to Fargo … tonight. I don’t have a job lined up yet and we’re gonna stay for a while … ish. Oh, and we probably shouldn’t wait until tomorrow because the police want to murder our son.” Joseph was a carpenter, this was a pretty lowly job back then. It is unlikely he had a nest egg just waiting for retirement. They lived job to job. If you cannot work, you cannot feed your family. There was no emergency fund laying around to cover three months of living expenses. This was a total and complete act of faith and obedience to the will of the Father.

Saint Joseph was a true man. He did exactly what the Lord asked of him every time and without delay. He lived the fourth commandment to the letter. He is a model of obedience that we should all aspire to more closely follow.

Here is my challenge to you: reflect on this story of Saint Joseph. Imagine yourself in his shoes. Now think about your own life and where you are being called to obedience. Remember that obedience extends beyond just our parents. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “This commandment includes and presupposes the duties of parents, instructors, teachers, leaders, magistrates, those who govern, all who exercise authority over others or over a community of persons” (2199). Pick something you have been ignoring, delaying or flat-out rejecting and do it. Do it for Saint Joseph. I think you will be surprised by the blessings.

Saint Joseph, Patron of Workers, pray for us.


John Clark

John Clark is a graduate of Christendom College, holding a degree in Political Science and Economics. He is a professional author and speechwriter. His book “Who’s Got You? Observations of a Catholic Homeschooling Father” has reached #1 in the Amazon Kindle “Fatherhood” category. He has written scores of articles about Catholic family life and has been published in such places as Catholic Digest, Latin Mass Magazine, Homiletic and Pastoral Review, and CatholicExchange.com. He publishes a popular monthly column in Seton Magazine and a weekly column for SetonMagazine.com. He and his wife Lisa have nine children. Reprinted with permission from Seton Magazine.

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