
Mar 07, 2020 2501 Ellen Hogarty

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Does Jesus Still Heal?
Do You Really Believe It?

“By His [Jesus’] wounds you have been healed,” was one of Father Rick Thomas S.J.’s favorite scriptures (1 Peter 2:24). Father Thomas founded the lay community I belong to, and he taught us the Lord is still in the healing business. He said that we should pray for people to be healed and give the Lord a chance to intervene. Over the years, we have seen the Lord work many marvels. It is wonderful to witness what God wants to do for us today.

I have prayed for many people but one day I came to the Lord with a healing need of my own. Due to many factors, I had been under a lot of stress over many months. Because it involved hours of computer use reading documents and files, my eyes were strained. They were often bloodshot, and my right eye especially was inflamed and sore. Although I tried to slow down and get some rest, my right eye continued to bother me.

Before I made an appointment with the eye doctor to get my eyes examined, I decided to pray for healing. “Lord Jesus, You can do anything. Nothing is impossible for You. Please heal my eyes.” Short and to the point, like Father Rick taught us to pray.

That same morning I went to Mass. After receiving Communion, an image came into my mind of the muscles surrounding the eye. They looked very strained and tight. Then I felt a warm, tingly sensation start to flow over my right eye and spread to the area around it. This feeling lasted for several minutes. It was accompanied by a strong sense of the Lord’s love for me. I sat in silence soaking it all in, thanking the Lord for whatever He was doing. My heart filled with gratitude and peace.

Throughout that day, whenever my eye felt sore I paused to pray. The same feeling of warmth flooded over my eye and across the right side of my face. The day was a busier one than usual, so it was not until the next morning that I had time to sit and reflect upon what had happened. When I did, I realized my eye had stopped hurting altogether. The constant pain of many weeks had completely disappeared. I thanked the Lord for healing me. Ever since that day my eyes have had no pain at all, not even a twinge!

This experience taught me that nothing is too small for us to bring to His attention. We can and should ask for healing for ourselves and those we love. Jesus healed many people when He walked on this earth, and He can do it again for you and for me.


Ellen Hogarty

Ellen Hogarty is a spiritual director, writer and full-time missionary with the Lord’s Ranch Community in New Mexico. She blogs at cacklescorner.com.

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