
Aug 16, 2024 391 Connie Beckman

Offering it Up

As Catholics, we have heard from the time we were little: “Offer it up.” From a little headache to a very serious emotional or physical hurt, we were encouraged to ‘offer it up.’ It wasn’t until I was an adult that I pondered the meaning and purpose of the phrase, and understood it as ‘redemptive suffering.’

Redemptive suffering is the belief that human suffering, when accepted and offered up in union with the Passion of Jesus, can remit the just punishment for one’s sins or the sins of another.

In this life, we are going to suffer various minor and major physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual trials. We can choose to grumble about it or we can surrender it all and unite our suffering with Jesus’ Passion. It can be redemptive not only for us, we can even help someone open their heart to receive Jesus’ healing and forgiveness.

We may never know in this life how offering up our sufferings has helped someone else break free of the bondages that have held them for so long. Sometimes, God allows us to experience the joy of seeing someone break loose from a life of sin because we offered up our suffering for them.

We can offer up our sufferings even for the poor souls in purgatory. When we finally arrive in Heaven, imagine those we were praying for and offering up our sufferings greeting us and thanking us.

Redemptive suffering is one of those areas that can be difficult to fully understand, but when we look at Scripture and what Jesus taught and how his followers lived, we can see that it is something that God is encouraging us to do.

Jesus, help me each day to offer up my little and big sufferings, difficulties, annoyances, and unite them to You on the Cross.


Connie Beckman

Connie Beckman is a member of the Catholic Writers Guild, who shares her love of God through her writings, and encourages spiritual growth by sharing her Catholic faith

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