
Jun 27, 2023 559 Luke Lancaster

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Objection & Answer

Objection: “Women who have been raped should be able to abort their fetuses.”

Answer: Rape is a horrific crime, and both pro-choice and pro-life people agree on that. Justice needs to be rendered toward the rapist. However, will an abortion help the woman?

The results of a 200-participant survey of women who have been victims of sexual assault and had children from it found that it did not help. This is documented in the book called “Victims and Victors: Speaking Out About Their Pregnancies, Abortions, and Children Resulting from Sexual Assault” by Makimaa Sobie Reardon. The study showed that, of those who got pregnant, the women were not the ones interested in getting an abortion. Rather, it was the environment of people telling them to get an abortion. The study found that those women who then went through with an abortion were in counseling more for the abortion than the rape.

Rape was an act of violence done to them, but after the abortion, they felt that they were the ones committing the act of violence. The suffering of guilt in these women is totally ignored by the media, and this is a shame. The testimonies of these women can be analyzed more in-depth through organizations such as “Rachel’s Vineyard” and “Silent No More.” After recognizing the statistical evidence, many ask this question: Why compound evil with evil by killing the child?

Women deserve compassion and help from this terrible injustice, but why not give the child compassion and help as well? We place ourselves in the shoes of the mother and have compassion for her, but we do not also place ourselves in the shoes of the child. The child is as innocent as the mother. Should that baby be killed because of the crime of the father? That baby can be loved by its mother, and the power of love can overcome anything.


Luke Lancaster

Luke Lancaster is the Director of Biblical Apologetics for the website stpeterinstitute.com and writes short articles answering objections to the Catholic Faith. He lives in the Tampa suburbs of Florida.

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