
Jan 09, 2018 2758 Allison Gingras

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A Bounty Like No Other

Saint Matthew’s Gospel, of the four Gospels, alone uses this particular verse in telling of the Parable of the Wicked Tenants:

“Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the fruit of it” (Matthew 21:43).

The Navarre Bible explains this verse should, “fill the faithful with hope and a sense of security.” Although all may seem lost, the vineyard owner, God, remains in control of the vineyard. With these words, Jesus assures anyone aiming to bring glory to God a place in the vineyard.

Jesus encourages the faithful to remain hopeful, no matter how rejected they feel in this world. Rejection does not indicate defeat; instead, He encourages with the words:

“‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone …” (Matthew 21:42).

Jesus is the cornerstone rejected, crucified and raised to become the foundation of the Church. Rejected like no other, He produced a bounty like no other. It is the grace of that vineyard He longs to share with the faithful.

The “wicked tenants” tended a vineyard carefully fashioned by the land owner. A vineyard was created to profit not only the vine growers but also the beneficiaries of the bounty. God has provided each of us with our own perfectly constructed vineyard. How can we offer back to God what He has given us? How can we be “the vine growers who will pay Him the proceeds at the proper seasons” (Matthew 21:41). Primarily, we accomplish this by sharing the good news and loving others.

We can begin with our families. The only experience with Christ some of your family and friends may have is how they meet Him in you. We may experience painful rejection for our faith. That does not excuse us from the charge to be Christ in the world and to share the grace of what we believe. People may not wish to hear our words, but as the old hymn reminds us, “They will know we are Christians by our love.”

Another way to share the vineyard’s yield is through invitation. Consider hosting a weekly small group in your home or at your parish. Trust me, a vineyard filled with eager tenants longing to follow and please the land owner is always a great blessing. My entire reversion to the Catholic Church began with one such invitation. A woman at my parish reached out and asked me to join her small group of faith sharing.

I remember the night the group met for the first time. Most in attendance had never participated in a book club, never mind a “religious book club.” To overcome my nerves, I convinced myself this would be my only night. However, after the host served the yummy snacks, I knew I would be back for another week. Week after week, I learned a little more about the Scriptures and Jesus’ great love for me. Eventually, it was much more than the snacks which attracted me to the group—it was the accountability, the fellowship and the blossoming of my faith. I soon began to arrive with a journal and a Bible, complete with handy dandy tabs to assist me in finding scripture passages.

Ten years later, I now host a weekly small group. We have read countless inspiring Catholic books and Bible studies. We have shared countless yummy snacks, cups of coffee and, yes, even glasses of wine. The small group meetings, like the promise in Matthew 21:43, help us to be hopeful and maintain a sense of security.

The truths of this parable remain: an allegory about a carefully constructed vineyard intended to produce bountiful fruit yet misused for selfish desires, along with a rejection of the land owner’s authority. We may feel the wicked tenants have won, but instead, we find comfort in Jesus’ words from Saint Matthew’s Gospel. In the end, the vineyard belongs to those who labor, even in the most imperfect ways, to accomplish God’s will.

What joy I have discovered in my small group as we share common struggles of faith. Buoyed by our friends on those days we may feel we labor in vain, our efforts themselves please God. How it gives us a sense of security to know we are not the only one seeking to know God and His will better and to share in the hope that we will be the vine growers with whom God will choose to share the vineyard.


Allison Gingras

Allison Gingras is the founder of ReconciledToYou.com - where she shares the beauty of the Catholic Faith with honesty, laughter, and relatable examples from every day, ordinary life! Her newest project is the Stay Connected Journals for Catholic Women (Gracewatch.Media/Connected) and includes her first book, The Gift of Invitation: 7 Ways Jesus Invites You into a Life of Grace. Allison hosts A Seeking Heart with Allison Gingras on BreadboxMedia.com; and is a Social Media Specialist for Kennedy Brownrigg Group and WINE: Women in the New Evangelization.


  • charity says:

    I need the power of God in my life

  • Okwuezulu Jeremiah says:

    I need the power of God in my life

  • Victoria Anne Aneh says:

    I really need His power, and the fire in my life and Ministry.

  • Evangelist Robert L. Jones says:

    While on a shut in, here in my home seeking the face of God in fasting ,prayer and studying his word I picked up my phone to search and see what others felt concerning experience the anointing, and Power of God in there life ,I know I have a calling of God on my life,I am 76 years of age,I have been in ministry for 55 years .I am at the point in my life where I want the power of God to come Into my Life and use me to help others get deliverance in the name of Jesus!I connected with your powerful teaching .Please pray that God will use me for his glory!

  • Elorm Donkor says:

    Please kindly pray for me

  • Jacqueline Mola says:

    This is a very good teaching I woke up this morning of Sunday 10th March 2024 wanting to read more about the power of God and I was lucky to come across this notes I believe in the power of God and may his will for my life be made perfect in the mighty name of Jesus .Thank you for the good read.

  • Sis Alice Etim Arikpo says:

    I’m every grateful for this teaching

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