
Jul 07, 2019 1687 Olivia Gutierrez

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Immersed in Radical Love

Approximately 20 years ago I knew the immense love of God. Having had a close relationship with Him and after experiencing many healings, I turned my back and denied Him. From then on, for many years I fell into committing mortal sins. A soon as I realized my pitiful state, I cried out to Him: “JESUS I NEED YOU, JESUS I CAN’T STAY AWAY FROM SIN … PLEASE HELP ME!” I really longed to put an end to those sins in my life but I kept falling back into sin, over and over again.

In May of 2016 my sister sent me an email with the Shalom Retreat invitation. Going through it I thought, this is what I had been in need of for such a long time and I will surely go; it was at the end of the invitation I noticed that the registration was $200!

I immediately called her and said, “I am not going because you know that I am not working and I don’t have any money!” (I did have the money but I just did not want to pay for it.) She pleaded, “Oli, no, please wait. Before you make a decision please call Shalom Media and maybe they can help you and if they don’t I will and you will go for that retreat.”

I called Shalom Media, playing the victim game, and the lady who answered my call said she would call me back. Soon she did and she asked, “Do you know that the retreat is outside of San Antonio?” I said yes. Then she asked, “Can you stay in the retreat center?” I said yes. She said, “The retreat is paid in full.” Jesus knew how greatly I needed Him. Later I found out that the lady who answered the call had paid my retreat fees out of her pocket.

During the retreat I met Father George Antony O.P, who became instrumental in taking me back to Jesus. When I first heard Father George speaking, I could not put aside the thought that I was really listening to a saint. From the moment I entered that retreat, I could not stop crying. The Holy Spirit was guiding Father George to make me understand that no matter what others did to me, I needed to forgive them.

Words fail to describe what I felt in my heart as I sat looking at Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and Him looking at me. I could feel the compassion, the mercy and how Jesus was accepting me with His immense love even after I had turned my back on Him. That was the most beautiful and, yet, most painful moment of my life: I was feeling the pain of having been separated from my Lord. I was experiencing the sorrows He suffered for my sin; Jesus was accepting me despite everything I had done. He was telling me how He was thirsting for me all those years and that we were together again, never to be separated.

The Shalom Retreat changed my life. I was afraid to go back home because I did not know where to begin. All Father George told me was to “trust the Lord.” This was a true challenge. The first three days after the retreat, I felt as if the devil was trying to make me go crazy. My entire family was praying for me; on the fourth day I went to the Blessed Sacrament and I said, “Jesus, you know I want to come back to You, and You also know the devil is making me crazy. Jesus I need You to stop this, I can’t do it on my own.” That same day my house was blessed and since then I have not seen the works of the devil in my home. Praise the Lord!

I began attending daily mass but my daughters were truly upset about the big change in me. I started praying for them, asking Jesus for mercy upon all of us. Throughout the year I invited family and friends to go to all of the Shalom events. I gave flyers to others, wherever I went. Several months before the 2017 Shalom Retreat I invited my niece to join me. She accepted and after the retreat she called me to thank me for inviting her. She also experienced the immense love of the Lord in her life—how greatly her life changed!

One day I was sitting before the Blessed Sacrament and had one flyer left for the 2017 retreat. A lady came in so I approached her and told her I had an invitation for her. I did not know her situation but I said, “Jesus is the one who is inviting you to this retreat.” She began crying and said, “I won’t be able to go because I’m not working.” I told her that Jesus wanted her to go and I would pay for her registration. I gave her my phone number and asked her to call when she was leaving. She did go to the retreat and she became deeply involved with Shalom Media USA. Praise the Lord!!

I was not planning to attend the 2017 Shalom Retreat but I wanted that retreat for my girls. I asked them to come with me as a Mother’s Day gift. I thought that way they would. My two older girls did not accept my invitation, only one of my girls came with me. This really saddened my heart, but our awesome God exceeded my expectations.

In that retreat He was calling me into deeper conversion. He healed my mind, body and soul— up until then I could never sleep without taking sleeping pills. Since that retreat I have not taken a sleeping pill and I sleep peacefully throughout the night. During the adoration on the last day, my daughter experienced the love of God; my joy knows no bounds. Praise the Lord! I continue to pray for the conversion of my girls, and I still give out as many Shalom Retreat flyers as I possibly can. I am involved in the Shalom Revival program in San Antonio. I am also part of the organizing team for the spiritual sharing session, all for the glory and praise of the Lord!


Olivia Gutierrez

Olivia Gutierrez

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