
Oct 25, 2016 2453 Jerome Kiley

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One Who Descends

Jesus has a special relationship with the Jordan River. At the beginning of His ministry, He goes to the Jordan to get baptized. And then at the end of His ministry, to make His way to Jerusalem, He chooses to go from the Sea of Galilee south to Jerusalem by the Jordan River. He has an affinity for the river. The name “Jordan” in Hebrew means, “The One Who Descends.” It is the world’s steepest river.

When Jesus was conceived, He came down from God’s world into ours. He descended. When it was time for Him to be born, He does not go to the hospital or a comfortable, safe place with a lot of people and help around, where He would get a lot of great attention. No, He is out in a cave alone with His parents, placed in a feeding trough. He descends.

Then, He is found in the Temple, having a deep discussion with the teachers there and they are all amazed. With talent like that, you would think that those teachers would offer Him a free education in the best place to learn religion in the world. He could have had a high place in the Temple, maybe been a scribe or educator with a comfortable lifestyle and a nice family. But no, He goes home to a small village, to learn from His simple family and neighborhood. Descend.

Being divine and all, He could have had huge business success, as it is obvious that He knows human nature inside and out. His marketing success would have been unsurpassed. But He did not. He mastered a simple craft and had a small family business. Descend.

Now, the Bible says that since being a kid, He increased in favor with God and people. He was really respected by people who knew Him, and He could have had a lot of popularity and political influence in His life. Yet, He spent His time with the most avoided people in society: tax collectors, prostitutes, drunks, lepers and sick people. Descend.

And when it is time to take up the cross, He could have gotten out of it. He says that He could call on a whole army of angels to get Him free. But He does not. He descends. And then afterwards, we read in the Creed that He descended to the dead.

So, why is he always descending? Why is He not making a business success of Himself? Why turn down one of the greatest educations in the world? Why not the big home and set-for-life retirement? Where is the wife and kids and big family with all the love and the relatives over for parties on the holidays? Or, at least, why not the successful business that does great things for people, making use of all His gifts and talents? Or why not be a doctor, or have some political role making the world a better place from above? Why does He turn down all these opportunities to get ahead in life? He could have done any or all of those things.

Because His mission is to reveal His Father.

He descends. And His Father is going to raise Him up.

Jesus descends into the water of the Jordan, and then His Father lifts Him up to the highest place in the world: “You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:22)

Now we know God.

If you are baptized, if you are Christian, if you are a disciple of Jesus, you have the opportunity to be raised up by God. You have the opportunity to reveal God to others, so that everyone would be able to know Him through you.

You have a special relationship with the Jordan River.

Do not be afraid to be one who descends.


Jerome Kiley

Jerome Kiley is a lay missionary who lives in Boston and Ecuador. A former engineer and basketball coach who was won over by the mercy of Jesus, Jerome dedicated himself to a broad array of lay pastoral and outreach ministries in the Catholic Church before reaching Ecuador in 2010. He loves the people of Ecuador and is happy living the Gospel and sharing it. You can find his reflections at www.ALivingmonstrance.wordpress.com and you can discover more about his mission to Ecuador at www.barriers2bridges.com.

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