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Mar 17, 2024 363 Reshma Thomas, India

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Lenten reflections

Your Heart Matters

Life as a newbie mom of three kids of ages six, two, and a few months old is unsurprisingly a rollercoaster ride. And Covid times brought us to stay with our in-laws which added unexpected twists and turns. It was a time when I struggled to find quality time with the Lord. Sleepless nights, drained, and dead tired, I was somehow going through the motions. Reading a few Bible verses in the morning before I changed the baby’s diaper, praying the Rosary as I fed my oldest child with Special needs, and amidst all this being constantly judged for all the imperfections I was capable of.

Little had I realized how all this was affecting my heart. Resentment and bitterness was creeping in and one day I was caught unawares. I was in between feeding my child and somehow reciting the Rosary when I happened to hear a very prickly comment that even before those words had slashed on me, I felt a sharp stabbing pain on my chest.

Something dark had entered from the right and pierced me. And I felt it right in my heart. I still don’t remember the situation and what I heard but all I remember is this frightening sensation that totally shook me. Truly we are in a battle that is invisible to our outward senses—a battle for our soul that is precious and Beloved to God. Going through the unbreakable cycle of cares and worries we often forget what is really important. This Lent, let us look into our heart and be aware of where we are. Are we filled with love or hatred? With sweetness or bitterness? Your heart really matters because it all starts from there. The battle is real and we ought to take the shield of faith to quench every fiery dart that the evil one brings against us.


Reshma Thomas

Reshma Thomas is a wife and mother of four wonderful children. She finds great joy in doing little works for Jesus, and making known his merciful love revealed through her life-experiences. She lives with her family in Kerala, India.

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