
Nov 07, 2023 2111 Jody Weis

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You are Never Rejected

When thoughts of worthlessness creep in, try this…

He reeked. His filthy, starving body wasted away like his squandered inheritance. Shame engulfed him. He had lost everything—his wealth, his reputation, his family—his life was broken. Despair consumed him. Then, suddenly, his father’s gentle face flashed across his mind. Reconciliation seemed impossible, but in his desperation, he “set off and went to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. Then the son said to him: ‘Father, I have sinned against Heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’…But the father said…‘this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!’ And they began to celebrate” (Luke 15:20-24).

Accepting God’s forgiveness is hard. Admitting our sins means admitting we need our Father. And as you and I wrestle with guilt and shame from past offenses, Satan the accuser assaults us with his lies: “You are unworthy of love and forgiveness.” But the Lord calls us to reject this lie! 

At baptism, your identity as a child of God was stamped on your soul forever. And just like the prodigal son, you are called to discover your true identity and worthiness. God never stops loving you, no matter what you have done. “I will not reject anyone who comes to me” (John 6:37). 

You and I are no exceptions! So, how can we take practical steps to accept God’s forgiveness? Seek the Lord, embrace His mercy, and be restored by His powerful grace. 

Seek the Lord

Find your nearest church or adoration chapel and meet the Lord face to face. Ask God to help you see yourself through His merciful eyes with His unconditional Love. 

Next, make an honest and courageous inventory of your soul. Be brave and look at Christ on the Crucifix as you reflect—bring yourself to the Lord. Admitting the reality of our sins is painful, but an authentic, vulnerable heart is ready to receive the fruits of forgiveness. 

Remember, you are a child of God—the Lord will not turn you away! 

Embrace God’s Mercy

Wrestling with guilt and shame can be like trying to hold a beach ball under the surface of water. It takes so much effort! On top of this, the devil often leads us to believe we are unworthy of God’s love and forgiveness. But from the Cross, Christ’s blood and water flowed from His side to cleanse, heal, and save us. You and I are called to radically trust in this Divine Mercy. Try saying: “I am a child of God. Jesus loves me. I am worthy of forgiveness.” Repeat this truth every day. Write it somewhere you see often. Ask the Lord to help you release yourself into His tender embrace of mercy. Let go of the beach ball and surrender it to Jesus—nothing is impossible for God! 

Be Restored

In the Sacrament of Confession, we are restored by God’s graces of healing and strength. Fight against the devil’s lies and meet Christ in this powerful Sacrament. Tell the priest if you struggle with guilt or shame, and when you say your act of contrition, invite the Holy Spirit to inspire your heart. Choose to believe in God’s infinite mercy as you hear the words of absolution: “May God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you of your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” You are now restored in the unconditional love and forgiveness of God!

Despite my failures, I ask God every day to help me accept His love and forgiveness. We may have fallen like the prodigal son, but you and I are still God’s sons and daughters, worthy of His endless love and compassion. God loves you, right here, right now—He gave up His life for you because of love. This is the transforming Hope of the Good News! So, embrace God’s forgiveness and dare to courageously accept His Divine Mercy. God’s inexhaustible compassion awaits you! “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1).


Jody Weis

Jody Weis is a wife, mother and teacher. She has been a spiritual director for more than 10 years. She and her family live in the Midwest, USA.

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