
Jan 09, 2020 1969 Connie Beckman

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Waltzing With Jesus

During the offertory time of the Holy Mass, I sometimes close my eyes rather than sing the beautiful hymn. One Sunday, I had my eyes closed while I listened to the Offertory hymn. The song reminded me of the melody of a graceful slow waltz.

In my mind’s eye, I pictured Jesus walking toward me, looking into my eyes and bending in front of me to take my hand and gently kiss it. Then, He invited me to dance with Him. I saw myself not as an adult but as a child with a flowing white dress and dainty white shoes. I placed my tiny feet on His large feet and so the waltz began. He swirled me around and around with incredible grace. As the waltz finished, I pictured Jesus leading me back to my pew and kissing my hand. As He did so I distinctly heard him whisper, “Prepare your heart to receive Me.” The tears softly flowed down my checks as I felt His love penetrating and transforming me.

I love to watch couples dance. I am not a dancer as I have two left feet. Despite my best efforts, if I attempt a waltz I end up tripping and stomping all over my unfortunate partner’s feet. I am so clumsy.

I kept pondering the image of Jesus dancing with me. Even though I try to be a good Catholic, I often end up tripping and stubbing my toes—and other people’s toes—along the way.

However, Jesus takes my feeble attempts at the practice of my faith and transforms them with His grace. He turns my journey of faith into a heavenly waltz. My prayer is that I always remember to take Jesus’ hand and enter into His dance of love.

I also contemplated the words I heard Jesus say to me, “Prepare your heart to receive Me.” How do you prepare to receive Jesus in the eucharist? I try to read the scripture readings before Mass and reflect upon them. I like to arrive a little early for Mass to pray the rosary since Our Blessed Mother helps to prepare my heart to receive her son, Jesus. As the priest raises the host and says, “Behold, the Lamb of God …” I whisper, “Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner. I come to receive You, sinful and sorrowful. I beg Your mercy upon me.”

Let us face it, none of us could ever adequately prepare our hearts to receive the body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. However, Jesus takes our feeble preparation and showers us with His merciful love. “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23).

Jesus, You are all that I need.

Jesus, You are all that I want.

Jesus, You are worthy of all my praise.


Connie Beckman

Connie Beckman is a member of the Catholic Writers Guild, who shares her love of God through her writings, and encourages spiritual growth by sharing her Catholic faith

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