
Mar 02, 2016 1162 Justice Kurian Joseph

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Three Questions


This is the first question God asked man. God created Paradise for man and He wanted to live with him in that Paradise. The Book of Genesis says that God used to walk with Adam and Eve in Paradise. He put only one condition: man shall not eat the fruits of the forbidden tree. The crooked and cunning satan, however, was able to exploit the weak moments of man and convinced him that God did not want man to be like Him. The evil one claims that God has restrained man from eating those fruits to prevent him from being like God.

As a matter of fact, God did not have any selfish motive in preventing man from eating the forbidden fruits. Only because that fruit was the judgment of right and wrong, the decision of which is absolute prerogative of God, He did not want man to take up that divine task.

If man decides what is right or what is wrong, it is likely to be highly subjective and God did not want any such subjective element when deciding between right and wrong. Satan knew this. Satan wanted to create disorder in society by entrusting each individual the task to make a decision as to what is right and wrong. Unfortunately, the fi rst man became prey to that temptation to become like God.

The moment that he knew he had done wrong, many realizations, one by one, started troubling him, so much so, that he wanted to cover himself and hide. It was at that juncture that God asked the first question to man, “Where are you?”

God continues to ask that question to each one of us. Are we in a situation to stand before Him or are we also hiding? If we do not confront Him, that means we have to hide our wrongdoings. He calls us, so let us come out of our wrong, and be with Him. Jesus tells us that if we are pure in heart, we will be able to see Him. He abides in holy hearts.


This is the second question God asked man and it was asked to Cain when he came before God without his brother Abel. Cain countered the question with one of his own, “Am I the one to guard my brother?” The moment we answer a question with a question, be assured that we are in the wrong.

God wants us to take care of our brethren. Each one of us is called to guard our brothers. Jesus reminds us that unless we respect the seen presence of man on earth, there is no point in adoring the unseen God. God created man in His own image. If we ignore our brother and choose to adore God with all our religious practices, those are not acceptable offerings to God. If we do not utilize the opportunities which God give us to take care of our brothers and sisters around us, we commit sins of omission. God presents before us only those possible opportunities which He knows will lift up all those around us. The development of mankind is glorification of God.


This question does not have a proper Biblical context. In fact, it is from Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel, “Quo Vadis.” When Saint Peter was cowardly escaping from Rome, he meets Jesus again carrying the Cross. Then Saint Peter asked, “Where are you going?” Jesus answered that He was going to be crucified again.

This question is asked in our conscience every time we choose the wrong path or make wrong decisions. If we are able to listen to that subtle voice of God, speaking through the Holy Spirit, we will not commit mistakes. God does not want us or permit us to commit wrongs. That is why the Spirit warns us when we are leaning toward wrongs. However, out of extreme love, regard and respect for human dignity, God does not interfere with the freedom of man’s choice. Nor does He want man to be His servant. God wants man to be His friend.

The true friend knows the wishes and desires of his beloved, and this is what God wants from us–to go on the path He shows. This path is illuminated for us by the Holy Spirit. We need only listen to that inner voice and make the right choice.

If we are able to ask these three questions to ourselves, at least once daily, and follow the answer to make right choices, we will live holy lives here on earth. Without this holiness we cannot and will not re-enter Paradise to live forever with Him.


Justice Kurian Joseph

Justice Kurian Joseph serves as a judge of the Supreme Court of India. Justice Joseph is well known in the country as someone who publicly and boldly witnesses his Catholic Faith. In 2015, there was a widely acclaimed decision and acknowledgment of his faith when he had written objecting to the Conference of Chief Justices of High Courts being scheduled on Good Friday. Justice Joseph refused to attend the Conference on the grounds that his faith did not permit him to do so. He is also known for having declined a dinner invitation from the Indian Prime Minister for visiting judges, as the dinner was held on Holy Saturday.

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