
Nov 18, 2024 311 Lianna Mueller

The Treasure of Friendship

Adulthood is scary, but with the right company, you can learn to thrive in grace and strength!

Jesus treasured friendship and hand-picked 12 men to walk closely with Him and learn from Him. Of course, there were also women friends. Remember the sisters, Mary and Martha? And Mary Magdalene? The fact that the Gospels mention these friendships reveals that the people in the fabric of our lives are very important.

Jesus even called His disciples friends! “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:15) It is an honor and elevation to be called a friend of His! In the same way, it’s important for us to recognize that being a friend to one another is an honor. It is a role to be taken seriously. As Jesus reminds us: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”(Matthew 25:40) Your presence, or lack of it, is impactful to another. Your actions, support, and prayers can make an immense imprint on the life of another person. It is a role to steward well, as with any of the roles we have been entrusted.

A Gift Par Excellence

In adulthood, many lament at the lack of friendship or the difficulty of making friends. The ache of a heart longing for dear friends is very real. Friendship is truly a gift, a gift that one should most definitely pray for.

The impact of true Christian friendship on a person’s life is very deep. So it is important to carefully ‘choose’ the people with whom you entrust this title. A friend who does not share the same values can be closer to an enemy. Proverbs 27:17 reminds us: “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” The lives of the Saints are a constant encouragement as we often hear about one Saint being friends with another! Saint Francis and Saint Clare are often talked about as friends who partnered in purpose and spirituality, enriching one another’s lives. So were Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross. Saint John Paul II and Mother Teresa are 20th-century models. True friends will spur us on to become the best versions of ourselves.

Led by Faith

I attribute much of my growth and life successes to being surrounded by the right friends. The people closest to me have a clear spiritual vision. They have provided encouragement right on time, and I know that they are always available for prayer support, whether that be interceding for me in their own time or dropping everything to pray with me.

A Christ-focused friend will often know when you need prayers. I have a friend who can sense the area of my life that I need prayers for. She often shares what the Holy Spirit has told her in prayer. Conversations with her are always encouraging and they provide me with strength and confirmation. I can recall numerous times when a friend sent a Scripture verse right on time or a word from the Holy Spirit that resonated perfectly with me. On too many occasions to count, I’ve had a text message from a friend letting me know that they felt led to pray for me. These mostly come when I am in the midst of making very large life decisions or facing some huge internal struggle.

There was a time when I felt very stuck in life; it seemed that I was making no progress. A dear friend sent me a Word that they believed God was doing something very special behind the scenes in my life. I felt the strength to go on and realized that God was up to something, even though I was feeling discouraged. Days after that, things started clicking into place–desires that I had prayed for over many years began to manifest in my life!

A true friend will be willing to intercede with and for you as you fight your battles. They will celebrate the victories of God in your life and be concerned for your spiritual welfare more than any other aspects of your life. But remember, there are also times when you will need to let a friend know that you are in need of prayers.

I know that my life would look very different if it were not for my friends who are in tune with the Holy Spirit. Walking with others on the same journey of surrendering to Christ has had clear benefits. A shared vision of aiming for Eternal life and holiness in this life is valuable in friendship. I’ve had the honor of being helped and helping friends carry their crosses in life, sharing joys, and praising God together.

Enrich Your Life

Are you in a period of life where you are longing for more friends? Pray to meet them! Keep your eyes open for the unexpected ways they come into your life. If you’re in a season of life where you have friends, but feel distant, start by sending a message or calling a friend who has been in your thoughts lately.

Open your heart to friendship. Too many friendships have withered and never had a chance to fully blossom due to the busyness of one or both parties. Friendship, like any other relationship, requires sacrifices. It will look different in different seasons. Yet, it is a tremendous blessing and gift from God. Building and maintaining friendships is an investment. Enduring friendships can add so much enrichment and value to your life. Cherish the gift of a good friend, and treasure greatly the title of a friend when it is bestowed upon you.

Jesus, please help us to be true and faithful friends to others. Send us the friends with whom we can walk steadily toward You. Amen!


Lianna Mueller

Lianna Mueller works as a counselor in the Dallas, TX area. She loves to write fiction and non-fiction in her free time, and blogs at sunflowersojourn.wordpress.com

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