
Jan 15, 2020 2788 Vijaya Bodach

Sower and the Soil

As a gardener, I often ruminate over the Parable of the Sower (Luke 8: 4-15). In every season, I find it very valuable to re-evaluate what I am doing to cultivate the soil of my heart. Here is the parable of the Sower for you to recollect:

The Parable of the Sower

When a large crowd gathered, with people from one town after another journeying to Him, He spoke in a parable. “A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some seed fell on the path and was trampled, and the birds of the sky ate it up. Some seed fell on rocky ground, and when it grew, it withered for lack of moisture. Some seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew with it and choked it. And some seed fell on good soil, and when it grew, it produced fruit a hundredfold.” After saying this, He called out, “Whoever has ears to hear ought to hear.”

The Purpose of the Parables

Then His disciples asked Him what the meaning of this parable might be. He answered, “Knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of God has been granted to you; but to the rest, they are made known through parables so that ‘they may look but not see, and hear but not understand.’”

The Parable of the Sower Explained

“This is the meaning of the parable. The seed is the word of God. Those on the path are the ones who have heard, but the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts that they may not believe and be saved. Those on rocky ground are the ones who, when they hear, receive the word with joy, but they have no root; they believe only for a time and fall away in time of trial. As for the seeds that fell among thorns, they are the ones who have heard, but as they go along, they are choked by the anxieties and riches and pleasures of life, and they fail to produce mature fruit. But as for the seed that fell on rich soil, they are the ones who, when they have heard the word, embrace it with a generous and good heart, and bear fruit through perseverance.”

How To Cultivate the Soil of Our Heart?

In the parable of the sower, Jesus tells the Apostles that the seed is the Word of God, but unlike a farmer who tries to only plant his seeds in good soil Our Lord throws the seed indiscriminately. He throws it on hardened soil, rocky soil, soil that has thorny plants and good soil. We should be like Him, sowing seeds of faith everywhere we go, not worrying about the state of anyone’s soil. We can trust God to water and till the soil so it will bear fruit. However, we cannot offer something we do not have—we must first cultivate our own soil. At the beginning of each season, I ask myself what the state of my soil is, what rocks need to be thrown away, what thorny plants uprooted.

On the Hardened Way

Is my heart so hardened or distracted that when I hear the Word of God I pay it no mind? Are there specific things the Church teaches with which I disagree? Am I pridefully thinking that I know better? I pray to be docile and attentive to the Word. As a teenager, I only went to church to sing. I did not believe in God and in my heart scoffed at the scripture that was read out loud. I had ears to hear but my heart was so hard that the devil had no problem snatching up the seed. It is frightening to think that had I died back then I would have rejected Jesus and His saving grace. I had no sanctifying grace and I was so far from God that I did not even have the ability to see the truth of Christ. I could have chosen hell … for all eternity.

From Rocky Road to Stepping Stone

Rocks are the temptations of life. It is not a sin to be tempted. In fact, God uses temptations to test us and strengthen us in our will to do the right thing. Even Jesus was tempted in the desert. We can use His ways to fight temptation—by knowing and using the Word of God. Because we are weak creatures, we succumb to temptations and end up sinning. When we commit a mortal sin, we separate ourselves from God. Thank God He has given us the Church to provide sacraments to help us repair our relationship with God.

At a retreat he offered, Father Leo Patalinghug taught us an easy ABCD method to fight sin.

A: Avoid the Near Occasion of Sin

This is the easiest way—not to get into tempting situations in the first place. I had a Facebook account for three years to connect with other writers in small groups, but I wasted too much time on it so I deleted my account.

B: Bypass it

Walk away if you find yourself in a tempting situation. For example, instead of joining gossiping coworkers I can choose to walk away.

C: Control it

This takes will power and a willingness to try and try again. For example, I am hot- headed so I try not to speak when I am angry. I have to be careful, even when the anger is righteous, because harsh words can drive people away from God.

D: Destroy it

Replace sinful habits with good habits. For example, procrastination is a bad habit and it can become sinful because our time does not belong to us but to God. I replaced the half an hour I spent surfing the Internet with half an hour contemplating the Word of God. The daily Mass readings are an excellent way to destroy a wide variety of sins. Confession is the ultimate weapon because we must admit and confront our sins and receive the graces we need to make the necessary changes.

In my teens and 20s, my life was full of rocks—particularly lust, greed and pride. Even after conversion, I discovered rock, after rock, after rock. I am thankful the Holy Spirit did not reveal all the rocks at once, otherwise I would have given up hope. Fortunately, God does not just reveal the rocks, He provides the help needed to dig them out as He brings them to the surface.

Choked by the Thorns

Thorns are the comforts, cares and pleasures this world offers. It is not a sin to enjoy good things but when they consume us they choke the Word, leaving no time or space in our lives to grow in the Word. Most of us are too busy trying to earn money, prestige or power so we must remove these thorns. This is arduous because, unlike thorns that cause immediate pain, our riches bring us pleasure and we do not feel them piercing us. I am very fond of good food; I enjoy cooking and going out to eat but I can spend too much mental energy, time and money on food instead of writing the stories God has placed upon my heart.

We can discern the goodness of a thing or a situation by examining whether it is bringing us closer to God or drawing us away. Thank the Lord for all the good gifts of the earth and ask Him how to use those gifts. Ask to develop detachment so we are able to part with good things and store up our treasure in heaven instead. For example, fasting on a regular basis (Fridays) helps build the discipline needed to develop detachment to food.

Growing Deeper Roots

We may think it is impossible to rid ourselves of habitual sins and favorite pleasures but with God all things are possible. With His help we can till and fertilize the soil of our hearts so we will bear a rich harvest and be capable of sowing the seeds of faith. This year, what rocks will you throw out of your life? What thorny plants will you uproot?

Blessed are they who hear the Word of God and keep it (Luke 11:28).


Vijaya Bodach

Vijaya Bodach is a scientist-turned-children’s writer with more than 60 books for children and just as many stories, articles and poems in children’s magazines. You can find out more about her at vijayabodach.blogspot.com

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