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You may be familiar with the story of a father and son who traveled with a donkey. Shortly after they began their journey, a bystander commented, “What kind of people are they! They have a perfectly fine donkey, but instead of riding him, they are simply walking beside him!” When they heard this, the father and son thought that it was a good idea. The father said to his son, “You should ride the donkey. Why tire yourself?” The son jumped on the donkey and they continued on their journey.
After going only a short distance, another bystander said, “What an arrogant son this is! See how he is having his aged father walk while he is comfortably riding on a donkey!” As soon as he heard this, the son jumped down from the donkey and made his father ride instead. But they had not gotten far when the next set of comments came, “What a hard-hearted father! He has his son walk while he proudly rides on the donkey!”
The father then encouraged his son as well to ride on the donkey. While they rode together, an onlooker saw them and cried out, “What cruelty toward an animal! Look at that poor, silent donkey, unable to bear the weight of both of these people. Surely that donkey will collapse and fall down any time now! The father and son thought that this may be true and immediately got off the donkey.
They discussed the situation amongst themselves. “Now what should we do? No matter what we do, people don’t seem to agree with what we have decided.” After much discussion, they came up with an idea. They tied the donkey on bamboo poles and carried the poles on their shoulders. When people saw them next, they ridiculed them, “Here are two donkeys hauling another donkey!”
Does the story of this father and son resonate in your life? When we direct the path of our lives based on what other people say, our lives will be wasted. Humans have the capacity to turn any positive action into a seemingly negative one, and to turn any harmful decision into a seemingly helpful one. So, do not give undue importance to what people think of you and your decisions. Rather, concern yourself with another question, “What is God thinking of me?”
One reason behind our hurts, weaknesses, and frustrations is the opinions of others. When we give extensive attention to the talk of the world, we become lethargic. But when we turn to the Word of God, His words fortify us. When we aim for what pleases God, we can grow as a Christian. “Am I now currying favor with human beings or God? Or am I seeking to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ” (Galatians 1:10).
Lord, reveal to me the time and energy I spent pleasing people. Give me the grace to do only what pleases You. Fill me with fear of You so that I may never be fearful of the hurtful words and aversions of others. Lord God, grant me the wisdom to discern what it is that You are trying to tell me. Let your Word rule upon me. Amen.
Chevalier Benny Punnathara has authored many books on the faith life which have been translated into several languages. In 2012, then Pope Benedict XVI awarded the title of ‘Chevalier’ to Punnathara for his outstanding contributions to the Catholic Church and society. In addition to being the founder of Shalom ministries, Punnathara serves as the Chairman of Shalom Media. He and his wife, Stella, an author and speaker, live in India along with their two children.
Every day people drive their cars and there is nothing unusual about it. But if anyone meets with an accident, it turns into a matter for the news. Headlines appear in newspapers, posts in social media instigate discussions, and everyone talks about it. It is quite ordinary when a husband and wife live together. But once they get divorced, it becomes the talk of the town. Soon enough, this news becomes a subject of gossip within the community. Nowadays, we often find the news of murder, violence, fraud, corruption, and other vices getting more attention than anything that showcases the virtues of humanity. A disproportionate importance is given to the actions of evil in news media and even in our conversations. All this has a negative effect. The one who is constantly fed disturbing stories of evil will unknowingly slip into the thought that the world is full of evil and that most of the people in it are wicked. This thought can destroy every desire to grow in virtue and disappointment can sink deep in the mind. This disappointment turns into hopelessness in life and with the world, and may eventually cause one to surrender to evil without ever putting up a fight. Make no mistake—this is the well thought out strategy of satan. He cunningly twists that which is virtuous and projects only evil, and thereby makes the world seem to think that he has the upper hand. But the truth is, there are still lots of virtues in the world and we are surrounded by virtuous individuals. Even though satan has conquered many hearts, the Kingdom of God is growing fast. Many people around us shed His light of holiness, love, and truth. We are not alone. The Lord is doing everything for us to rejoice and hope in. We should open our eyes to His great works, we should speak about them and write about them. By doing this, our joy and the joy of the world will only increase. Virtues which lay hidden will be shown to the whole world. Gossip is a sin which hinders the light of God. With fear we should remember the fact that each gossipmonger is a soldier in the empire of satan. “Let all your conversation be about the law of the Lord” (Sirach 9:15). “Cursed be gossips and the double tongued, for they destroy the peace of many” (Sirach 28:13). Prayer Lord, I understand that those who see evil in others will be unable to love and rejoice fully. Teach me to realize that I fail to see virtues in the world because I fail to live a virtuous life. Help me, dear Lord, to recognize the evil of gossip as the sting of hatred from the terrible serpent in my heart. O Jesus, sanctify my heart in the fire of Your love. Let my heart be filled with Your virtues and let me become Your witness as I grow in virtue. Amen.
By: Chevalier Benny Punnathara
MoreOnce Alexander the Great was asked by a scholar, “Your excellency, once you capture Babylon, what will be your next goal?” “Well, Edessa is next. It is easy to capture that city. So, capturing Edessa and making it my own, would be my next target,” replied Alexander. “Once you capture Edessa, what then?” the scholar continued. “I will then turn towards Alexandria and defeat them.” “Well, what about after you capture Alexandria?” “Cilicia would be my next target for attack” The scholar, curious, continued, “Your highness, please do not feel bad that I am questioning you. Can you please tell me what benefit you will obtain by winning all these battles?” “After conquering the cities, I will rest peacefully and enjoy life,” replied Alexander the Great. To this reply, the scholar raised yet another question, “Your excellency, then why is that you are not able to enjoy life right now?” Even before he could enjoy his life, Alexander bid goodbye to the world. All his hard work was worthless, because after his death, everything that he captured was divided among other nations. And at the end, it was all just history. Alexander’s tragedy is felt even today by those who desire to get more than what they need, those who are greedy, and those who solely focus on making a name for themselves. It is not just our accomplishments or busy lives that make our lives enjoyable. Rather, to be happy in life, we do not need new things. There is a persistent notion of “If I could only earn much more money, or gain more wisdom, or get another job—then my life would be so much happier!” However, these are all worldly ideas! A peaceful heart is what is necessary for an enjoyable life. And how can we best obtain a peaceful heart? By believing and trusting in God. If you are in a car traveling 100 miles per hour, you feel that the roadside trees and people on sidewalk vanish quickly. However, when going slow, you can easily see roadside scenery really well. In the same way, only when we keep our mind calm and peaceful, can we enjoy the beauty of flowers, the tranquility of dusk, and the sweetness of relationships. Only then can we truly enjoy life. Prayer Lord, teach me to enjoy every day that You give me. Grant pardon to my weak mind that does not find happiness in this great pasture that You have gifted me. Please teach me that the one who can conquer his own heart is much stronger than the one who conquers the world. Oh Lord God, please steer this fast-paced life of mine. Grant me the grace to acknowledge the beautiful life that you have given me! Amen.
By: Chevalier Benny Punnathara
MoreQueen Isabel, the empress of Spain died unexpectedly. The people of the nation grieved greatly at the death of such a smart and beautiful thirty-six year old queen. It took almost seventeen days for her body to be brought, with great pomp, from the city of Toledo where she had died, to the capital city of Granada. Before her burial, the coffin had to be opened up in order to officially declare her dead. The Viceroy of Catalonia, Francis Borgia, was the one designated for this task. At the appointed time, Borgia opened the royal coffin. What he saw was the most beautiful face of the queen decomposed and very much disfigured. This made Borgia ponder deeply. He realized that beauty and royalty do not last beyond death. He took a pledge that he would no longer set aside his life to serve mortal kings, but instead he would serve the immortal God. This was none other than Saint Francis Borgia who later became the third Superior General of the Society of Jesus. Bruce Lee was once a man who greatly influenced the youth. He, who was well known for his skill in the martial arts of Karate and Kung Fu, had spent his entire life training and strengthening his body intensely. But alas! One day he suddenly passed away. Rumors and theories were rife about the cause of his death. His body that was made fit by years of training, lay motionless within a few hours, and decomposed into soil within a few days. We worry and labor hard for bodies that eventually turn into dust; but how much do we care to strengthen our soul? Unnecessary concern about our body will lead us astray. Undue concerns about our body—its weight, height, color, beauty, health, physical handicaps, etc.—can lead us to wrong behaviors and an unhealthy outlook towards life; whereas more concern towards the state of our soul will lead us to prosperity and salvation. Let us examine ourselves: in a day, how much time do we spend thinking about our soul? Is it not true that we are greatly concerned about the health and look of our body, but are often not in the least bit concerned about our soul! One who is not concerned about the soul will not even be aware of heaven and hell! Let these words of our Lord inspire us to ponder and meditate on this question, “What profit is there for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?” (Mark 8:36). Prayer: Lord our God, Who has shaped man from the dust, help us to realize that one day we are to return to dust. Give us the desire to want to be with You in eternity. Teach us to direct our labors towards gaining eternal life instead of living for things that perish. Amen.
By: Chevalier Benny Punnathara
MoreWilliam Sydney Porter was a bank teller at the First National Bank in Austin, Texas. The bank had a provision for its business customers that allowed them to count and take the money they needed on their own, at the counter, provided they sign off in the register with their name and amount withdrawn. It was Porter’s job to oversee this. Once when the bank officials did a random check on this, they found a deficit of three thousand dollars. Porter had absolutely no clue how this could have happened; however, the bank went ahead and filed a case of bank theft against him. Having been falsely accused of this crime, arrested and jailed, Porter was at first devastated and extremely depressed. Gradually, as days passed, Porter felt more at ease and spent the free time he got in jail very fruitfully—he began writing. As his stories started getting published, Porter strived to write more. Finally, when his jail time was done and he was a free man, he became a renowned writer with the pen name of O. Henry. The O. Henry short stories became the carrier of the sweet-smelling aroma of human goodness and have touched the hearts of many. We may also undergo situations in our lives where we are faced with tragedy, pain and injustice. It is of no use wasting our lives thinking about our sufferings and being sad and heavy-laden about them. During any circumstance, we should strive to make our lives meaningful and beneficial. Another great example is that of Saint Paul the Apostle—it was because he was held captive in prison that we received many of the letters in the New Testament. During his imprisonment—be it the thoughts of the death sentence that awaited him or thoughts of his captors—nothing bothered Saint Paul. Instead, he concentrated on completing his long letters for the spiritual growth and strengthening of the people of the Church. In the same way, whether situations are favorable or not, our lives must be fruitful. Even if our body is weary, our mind must be working. We must fill our surroundings with good thoughts. We must spread blessings to the world with prayers. Our years of life are valuable. We should not waste them being sad, disappointed and anxious. We can always do things that are useful and beneficial. Some of our dreams may have been shattered, but we can weave new ones. The life of O. Henry teaches us that losses can turn into gains. “For everything that becomes visible is light. Therefore, it says: ‘Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.’ Watch carefully then how you live, not as foolish persons but as wise, making the most of the opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not continue in ignorance, but try to understand what is the will of the Lord” (Ephesians 5:14-17). Prayer Lord Jesus, I am deeply saddened by the times I wasted. I remember now the hours I wasted taking part in unnecessary gossip, the hours I wasted twisting and turning in my bed, or flipping through TV channels, or surfing the Internet. Had I used that valuable time for study and prayer and hard work, my life today would have turned out so much better. My Lord, please teach me to fruitfully live the rest of my life. Free my mind of anxieties and sluggishness, O Lord Almighty. Amen.
By: Chevalier Benny Punnathara
MoreThere are instances in our lives when we are confused about which path to take or which decision to make; for big and small matters. Every moment of our lives involves decisions, from choosing to sleep or pray, to what toothpaste to buy, what food to eat, what clothes to wear, or what words to say—all of these are daily, moment-to-moment decisions. Knowledge, wisdom, past experiences, and future goals are some of that factors which influence our decision making. Bad decisions are sometimes the reason why we face failures in our lives. For every decision there is a positive or a negative consequence. How will we know which is the right decision? It is important that we realize the will of God in every circumstance we are experiencing. God will reveal His will to people who genuinely seek it and believe that God’s will is the best option in their lives. There are faithful who take decisions without seeking the will of God or who make the wrong decision knowing that it is not God’s will. When problems arise, those people go to their spiritual directors or people with the gift of the Holy Spirit to know the will of God. This may not always be because of their desire to fulfill the will of God, but because of their fear of the consequences which can result from their wrong decisions. For example, a person who is dishonest in his job because he is stealing money from his company does not seek the will of God about his job; but if he is sick, he prays and seeks the will of God about the doctor he is going to see. Through sin we do not make the right decisions. Jesus Christ taught that a person who sins is a slave to sin. A slave is unable to freely make decisions. The things that make the heart lose its freedom is sin. One of the greatest gifts God gave humanity is free will. To sustain free will we need to avoid all factors of sinfulness. Otherwise the darkness in our minds will lead us to bad decisions. In other words, it is through contrition and repentance that we gain the grace to make good decisions. Our decisions impact our future. Therefore, before making any decision, think to yourself: “Is this the will of God? Will this bring me closer to or further away from God?” When we hold tight our own desires and make our goal luxurious lives for ourselves, we are unable to seek the will of God. The main reason that a person makes the wrong decision is because his or her ultimate goal is not eternal life. Scripture says, “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Prayer My Lord God, many times, in my quest to fulfill my own desires, I have not sought out Your will. I regret making wrong decisions in the past. Lord, give me the grace to seek Your will and make the right decisions. Amen.
By: Chevalier Benny Punnathara
MoreQ – I have a very solid prayer life, but I struggle with fasting. Is fasting really necessary for spiritual life? Do we have to fast outside of Lent? How can I be better at it? A—Fasting has been essential to spiritual life since the beginning of the Church. Sacrifice makes our love for God concrete and tangible—'inscribing’ our love into our flesh, so to speak. A mature Christian who loves God will want to offer something to Him, and fasting is a beautiful way to deny ourselves out of love. So, yes, every Christian should practice some form of fasting or mortification daily! Furthermore, fasting strengthens our will, making it easier to make virtuous choices. Many of our temptations feature the battle between our flesh and our will. We know that it would be gluttony to have the third piece of chocolate cake, but our flesh desires pleasure. So, fasting—giving up something that we are allowed to have—strengthens our will over our flesh. When I give up a chocolate bar or arise earlier in the morning or take a cold shower, my will becomes stronger, making it easier for me to resist sinful temptations. Finally, fasting creates space for God to work in our lives. Hunger reminds us of our true hunger for the Lord. Turning off music in the car opens us to His still, small voice in silence. Fasting connects us with the economically disadvantaged, many of whom struggle for enough food. The money saved through fasting can be donated to help meet their needs. So how do we fast? There are many ways to fast. The most obvious is to give up a certain amount of food. Some choose to skip entire meals, while others restrict themselves to one helping. We can also fast by eating foods that we don’t like. We can fast from other things as well—abstaining from listening to music in the car or browsing Facebook are a few examples. I know a young man who slept on the floor during Lent; others take cold showers or wake earlier, avoiding the snooze button. Anything causing discomfort can be a fast. When beginning to fast, guidance from a spiritual director or parish priest is helpful. We do not want to fast in a way that hurts our health physically or mentally. I tried to fast from all music once, but since music is how I relax and how God often speaks to me, I soon became quite grumpy and unpleasant without music, so I had to find a different penance! In other words, while our penances should cost us something, they should not harm us. One other danger to watch out for is spiritual pride. Sometimes, we ‘boast’ about our penances (even in our minds) thinking we're better than others. Fasting isn’t about trying to ‘earn’ God’s love or ‘prove’ how much we care for Him. Instead, We fast to generously offer ourselves as an expression of love, a response to the love we’ve already received. Even if we can’t fast as often as we desire—whether due to weakness, illness, or daily life circumstances—we need not worry. God’s love for us remains constant and is a gift we can gratefully accept! The most meaningful sacrifices are often the ones God places in our daily lives: our inconveniences, sufferings, labors, and challenges. Offering these to Him can be the truest form of fasting. In conclusion, I encourage all Christians to incorporate some form of fasting, mortification, or sacrifice into their daily lives, offering themselves to the Lord and making their love for Him incarnate!
By: Father Joseph Gill
MoreA couple in the United Kingdom had a shocking discovery when their treasured garden ornament of over 40 years turned out to be a live bomb! They had always thought the shell was a harmless relic, a ‘dummy’ used in naval training exercises. But one fateful morning, police knocked at their door. Soon, the bomb squad arrived, and the couple had to face the devastating truth. Despite the danger, they refused to evacuate, saying: "We're not leaving. We'll bear the consequences." Luckily, the bomb's charge was minimal, and it was safely transported to a quarry, where it was detonated under a pile of sand. This harrowing tale is a powerful reminder that even the things we hold dear, parts of our lives that we consider prestigious, can be harmful. Sin, like the bomb, can masquerade as attractive and desirable, but it ultimately leads to destruction. Even when we realize its destructiveness, we have an innate tendency not to back off and reject that danger. Breaking free from harmful inclinations can be daunting, but we must realize it's the only way to achieve true freedom and peace. As we reflect on this couple's story, let us examine our lives. What are we holding onto that may be harmful to us? What ‘ticking time bombs’ are we ignoring, thinking they're harmless?
By: Reshma Thomas
More“Mama, do not let me lose the opportunity to gain Heaven so easily and so soon,” said the 12-year-old José to his mother. It was 1926. Mexican Catholics were being persecuted for their faith—churches and parish schools were being closed, priests were being killed, and properties seized. The government finally forbade the public practice of Catholicism and made religious vows illegal. Peasants from central and western states in the country came together to protect the Church, and the Cristero War broke out. Little José’s brothers were enlisted in the army, but his mother wouldn’t let him go. But he was so relentless that she had to give in to the consistent pleas to ‘go to Heaven easily.’ He started out as the flag bearer of the troop and was soon nicknamed Tarcisius, after the early Christian Saint who was martyred for protecting the Eucharist from desecration. He was promoted to be the General's aide, and then bugler, riding along with him into combat and delivering orders. José was eventually captured by the government soldiers and forced to deny his faith. He was made to watch the hanging of a fellow Cristero, but little José only encouraged the man in his martyrdom. Enraged, the soldiers cut off the soles of his feet and forced him to walk through the gravel-covered streets. In that intense pain, this little boy recited the Rosary for those who were hurting him. He sang songs of Our Lady of Guadalupe and proclaimed his faith loudly, even as he fell on the street several times. José wrote several letters to his mother telling her he was happy to suffer for Christ. The soldiers offered him freedom if he proclaimed: “Death to Christ the King,” and his refusal resulted in fatal tortures. “I will never give in. Vivo Cristo Rey Santa Maria de Guadalupe,” said José as he took his last breath. José Sánchez del Rio was canonized by Pope Francis in 2016 and is now revered as the Patron Saint of persecuted Christians and children.
By: Shalom Tidings
MoreGetting out of our comfort zones is never an easy task, so why go to the trouble at all? At some point in life, Jesus asks all of us: “Are you ready to step out for My Kingdom?” There is no eligibility per se; no job description, no resumé screening…It’s a simple Yes or No question. When I received this call, I had nothing to offer Him. I entered my ministry with zero leverage. Time has proven that a willing and loving heart for Jesus was all I needed. He took care of the rest. Once you say yes, you can witness the change in yourself! Life becomes more meaningful, joyful, and adventurous. This is not to say that suffering will never be present. “When the hour was near for Jesus to leave this world and return to His Father, He washed His disciples’ feet. He told Peter: ‘Unless I wash you, you have no part with Me.’” He continued: “So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” (John 13:14) In a way, Jesus is asking: “Are you ready to get wet?” Like Peter, we naturally like to stay dry and comfy, but He is calling us to get wet in the waters of His love and grace. But the more beautiful part is, He isn’t calling us for ourselves… When Jesus stooped down to wash the feet of His disciples, not only did His disciples get wet, but His hands also became wet and soiled in the process. As we follow in the footsteps of Christ, while interceding and serving others in His Name, we will also get a share of the burden and pain that the other person is going through. Scripture instructs us: “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) After the transfiguration of Jesus, Peter said: “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three dwellings here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” (Matthew 17:4) It seems that we take after Peter in more ways than one. We like to put up tents and stay inside that comfort zone, be it our church, home, or workplace. Luckily for us, the Scripture offers us worthy examples from which to learn. To be or Not to be Our parish priest Reverend Christopher Smith once reflected on how John the Baptist left the wilderness, his comfort zone, and came into the city to proclaim the coming of the Messiah. Moses ran away from Egypt and made a tent for himself with his father-in-law but God drew him out and gave him a mission. He was brought back to the same Egypt he had fled from, and God used him powerfully to rescue His people. Elijah fled from Jezebel and found refuge under a bush (1 Kings 19:4), but God brought him back to establish His will for His people. Abraham had to leave his relatives and journey where God led him, but look at the Kingdom that grew out of His trust in God! If Moses had stayed home, what would the fate of the Israelites have been? And what if Elijah had retreated in fear and refused to come back? Look at Peter, who took that leap of faith from the boat to place his feet upon the raging waves at sea. He was all alone in the middle of nowhere, the fear of sinking was surely on his mind, but Jesus did not let him falter. His willingness to step out initiated an unforgettable miracle that none of the other fear-filled disciples inside the boat, who refused to let go of their comfort zones, could enjoy. And so too, in our lives, God is waiting for us to take that first step of stepping out of our tents. When the Holy Spirit inspired me to evangelize through writing, it was so hard for me to say yes to it at first. I am timid and shy by nature, and just as Peter looked at waves, I looked only at my inabilities. But when I surrendered myself to His will and started trusting Him, He started using me for His glory. Let us break out of our comfort zones and get wet in the anointing of the Holy Spirit because it was the mighty fire of the burning bush that anointed Moses. Remember how his first attempt at ‘saving’ the Israelites (by killing an Egyptian!) was rejected by them? Wait patiently for the call from above, receive His anointing, and go into the world to proclaim His Name!
By: Lydia Bosco