
Sep 06, 2024 368 Jackie Perry

Regaining Lost Smiles

Life can be unpredictable yet God never fails to surprise you.

Almost three years ago, I wrote an *article for this very magazine in the midst of grieving the loss of our baby. My husband and I had been married for nearly two years and had been praying for a baby the whole time. There was so much excitement and joy when we found out that I was pregnant that we never could have anticipated the forthcoming loss in miscarriage. 

We were right there in the thick of it, being challenged to trust God and His mysterious plans. To be honest, I didn’t want to trust in a plan that resulted in grief, and I didn’t want to hope in a God who would permit it either. I wanted our baby in my arms. But my husband and I did choose the difficult path of trusting God and His Providence, that all of the pain and suffering could and would still be used for good. We chose hope for our baby in Heaven and hope for our future here on Earth.

Above All

Countless times in my life, the 11th verse of Jeremiah 29 has anchored me deeply. This time, however, He led me to focus on what follows. Those words have been seared into my heart and convinced me of God’s abiding providence. “When you call Me and come and pray to Me, I will listen to you. When you look for Me, you will find Me. Yes, when you seek Me with all your heart, I will let you find Me, and I will change your lot…”

Our loving Father was calling me closer when I really didn’t feel like drawing closer. Call, Come, Pray, Look, Find, Seek, He said. He asks me (and you)—in the ache of our hearts when we are tempted to believe that the hurt we are experiencing is all there really is for us—to choose Him, to draw closer to Him. Then, when we have sought Him out, He promises to let us find Him and to change our lot. He isn’t ambivalent about it; He uses the phrase ‘I will’ three times. He doesn’t say maybe, He is matter of fact.

A Double Blessing

Although it has been three years since our miscarriage, I was recently reminded of how this promise of Jeremiah 29 has manifested itself in my life and how God has absolutely changed my lot in terms of motherhood. He has made me and my husband witnesses, and the way in which He so lovingly answers prayers should not be forgotten or glossed over. Not long ago, I received an email from a kindred spirit and friend. After holding me in prayer that morning, she wrote: “God did recompense…Here you are, celebrating the Mercy and Love of God with a double blessing! Praise God!” 

Our hope and desire to trust in God’s plans and to seek Him has changed our lot and transformed into the biggest ‘double blessing of recompense’ we could have dreamt of—two beautiful baby girls. It’s been three years since my husband and I walked through the loss of our first baby, and nothing could ever replace that little one, but God did not leave us barren. 

In August 2021, we were blessed with the delivery of our first baby girl, and this past August, we saw the blessing of our second baby girl. A double blessing, indeed! We are living out God’s faithfulness through our hope transformed! We are witnesses to God’s unfathomable mercy and love. We have become co-creators with the Creator, and through our hope in His faithfulness, He has changed our lot, indeed.

I am in awe of the wonders God does and encourage you to bolster up your hope in the Lord as well. Hold fast to a hope that transforms, seek Him with all your heart, and watch Him change your lot just as He promises.

As my friend told me that day: “Let us always bless the Lord who has been so gracious to us.” 


Jackie Perry

Jackie Perry is a wife, mother, and inspiring writer. Her Catholic faith ignites her desire to share her journey of life on her blog jackieperrywrites.com *The article, ‘Do You Trust?’ appeared in the September/October 2020 issue of Shalom Tidings magazine. Scan now to read. (shalomtidings.org/do-you-trust)

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