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Mar 26, 2024 1067 Barbara Lishko

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Lenten reflections

Nothing Else Matters

What, besides love, motivated the Father to send the Son, to endure such a horrific ordeal? To send His Son on a mission so integral that the only solution was his passion and death. And what of the Son, Jesus? What unwavering trust and resolve to take each step that led to the cross?

One phrase that comes to my mind is: “Nothing else matters.”

It’s why He came.

The agonizing procession through the streets. Stones and insults hurled his way. Shouts and slanders. His sorrowful Mother.

Nothing else matters.

Stripped, and staked to the tree. Hung in humiliation. Precious Blood like droplets fell.

Father, forgive them. Because nothing else matters.

Mother, your son…Nothing else matters.

Father, into Your hands…Because nothing else matters.

I realized how many times I let everything else matter. What people thought. How I looked. What I had or didn’t. I am reminded that nothing else should matter. It’s all transitory—words, whispers, paper, and cloth. I let them get in the way and distract me, thinking they mattered.

We are everything that matters to Jesus. Upon His mind and with every agonizing step. Precious and priceless.

Outside of saving our souls, nothing else matters.

Heavenly Father, you gave us your only Son. In total surrender He said yes. Our salvation matters. Our presence in eternity matters. Give us the strength and courage to say no to temptation and sin. Because only Heaven matters.


Barbara Lishko

Barbara Lishko has served the Catholic Church for over twenty years. Married to Deacon Mark for over forty-two years, she is a mother of five, a grandmother of nine, and counting. They live in Arizona, USA, and she frequently blogs at pouredmyselfoutingift.com

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