
Sep 19, 2024 349 Prof. Francesca Palombo

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Logical, Yet Divine

In July 2013 to be exact, my life turned around. It wasn’t easy to digest, but I am glad it happened

I am a cradle Catholic. I grew up in a small town in central Italy, near the Abbey of Monte Cassino, which was founded in the sixth century by Saint Benedict and hosts his tomb and that of his twin sister Saint Scholastica. My grandmother was truly instrumental in nurturing my faith, but despite attending regular Masses with her, receiving all the Sacraments, and being active in my parish, it always felt more like a custom or duty that I never questioned, rather than a true love of God. 

The Shock of it!

In July 2013, I went on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje during the annual Youth Festival. After three days of participating in the festival program, with Confession, prayers, testimonies, Rosary, Mass, and Adoration, I suddenly felt my heart almost exploding. I was totally in love, the ‘butterflies-in-my-stomach’ kind…and I started praying all the time. 

It was a new feeling—I suddenly had this physical perception of the size of my heart (which I know is about the same size as my fist) because it felt like it was about to explode out of the love I was inundated with. I could not describe this feeling at that time, and I still can’t today…

An Illogical Madness

So can you imagine somebody living a regular life, compromising between being Catholic on the one hand and having a worldly secular life on the other, suddenly encountering Jesus Christ, falling in love with Him, and following Him with all their heart? It felt like madness at that time–and sometimes, it still does! 

I am a scientist and an academic. I have a very logical and matter-of-fact mindset in all I do. My boyfriend at the time didn’t understand what was going on with me either (he said I was being brainwashed!); being an atheist, I didn’t expect him to get it.

Even the reason I joined that pilgrimage was not clear to me—my mum and my sister had been there before and encouraged me to go. The Church hasn’t made a final statement about Medjugorje’s apparitions and revelations, so I went there without any pressure to believe or not believe in it, only with an open heart. And that’s when the miracle happened. 

I can’t say I am a better person now than I was before, but I’m certainly a very different person. My prayer life has deepened as Jesus has become central to my life. A lot has changed since that encounter with Jesus through Our Lady, and I wish everyone could have the same and even better experience of God’s great love and mercy. I can only say to everyone: open your heart and surrender to God, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


Prof. Francesca Palombo

Prof. Francesca Palombo is a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Exeter, UK. She actively engages in youth catechism at her parish and leads the local Legion of Mary Praesidium.

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