
Jun 24, 2020 2550 Michelle Harold

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Journey to Heaven

It all comes down to finding that trajectory.

I often ponder on what a blessing it is to have been raised a Catholic. I was shown the way right from my birth. The flame of faith was ignited and kept alive throughout my childhood without having to make significant efforts at discovery on my own.

Have I done enough justice to these beliefs growing up? There have been times of doubt, times of lethargy and times of despondency. However, my faith has survived and become stronger since then. Not a mean feat and not something I could have done if I leaned on my own understanding. So I have clearly had help—in a big way.

A vivid memory from when I was nine years old came to mind recently. It was almost my birthday when my mother and I were browsing in Saint Michael’s Catholic gift shop. Amid the fascinating array of religious pictures, statues and trinkets all tightly arranged together, one in particular drew my attention—an image of Mother Mary that I later came to know as “Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.”

Encountering my caring, heavenly Mother would help me in numerous ways in the years to come. When my mother gave me the book, “Our Lady of Fatima’s Peace Plan from Heaven”, I came to understand how much our Blessed Mother loves us and desires our salvation. Watching a beautiful video on the Marian apparitions cemented my understanding even more.

Since then, I have come to know Mother Mary as a person I could talk to, regardless of my level of piety at any given time. She never fails to bring me closer to God and I have often prayed for her intercession when in dire need of a miracle. On several occasions, she has helped and the outcome has fallen noticeably on a Wednesday, the day associated with devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.

Mother Mary also does not encourage me to treat God as a magician who grants my wishes, but strengthens me to traverse the learning curve He sets, before the wish is transformed into a more righteous result. Many of her interventions have come as a prompt to worry less, get back on course, and focus more on her Son, Jesus.

When I connect the dots formed by all the spiritual encounters, intercessions and blessings I have received over the years, I realize that the dots form a trajectory. A trajectory, as we know, is defined as the path followed by an object moving under the action of given forces. An apt definition, I think, to apply to this spiritual journey.

How splendid would it be if we all took a few moments to reflect upon when our relationship with God really began to strengthen? There might have been someone on earth driving this aided by someone in Heaven. Mother Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Anthony and all the saints draw us closer to Jesus, preparing us for the Good Shepherd to reveal Himself to us and direct us along His Way.

Let us remember how often God has blessed us with even more than we needed; the fortuitous coincidences which have connected us to our soul mate and like-minded friends; and all the little miracles that illuminate our lives while we were too busy to notice. Let us seek out the trajectory God has placed us on, and stand firmly upon it, praying with all our might. Now is the time that the world stands in need of our prayers, more than ever before.


Michelle Harold

Michelle Harold is an IT professional who finds great joy in living the Catholic faith. She resides with her husband in Melbourne, Australia.

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