
Dec 03, 2018 2913 Reshma Thomas, India

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How Warm is Your Heart?

On that luminous light in Bethlehem, when the world had fallen asleep, a mother wrapped her first-born son in swaddling clothes and laid Him in the manger. But the bitter cold pierced His tender body like a thousand knives and poor baby Jesus lay tremulous. His dear mother latched Him close to her bosom to give a little warmth, not knowing the cold He would experience all through His life.

Many scurried to Him for signs, miracles and even food, but they never knew or loved Him.

In the garden of Gethsemane He wept tears of blood and was deeply grieved to the point of death when He realized His sacrifice was for an ungrateful generation. On the cross at Calvary He was rejected and betrayed by those He loved, insulted and mocked by those around. The bitter cold pierced His very bones as He looked up to heaven and said, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”

Today He waits for us in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, truly present in body and blood in the form of bread and wine. Still He feels the bitter cold. Jesus thirsts for our love and what do we give Him? There are those who still insult, mock and do terrible things to Him. Others are called His followers, but they deny Him by saying “not practicing.” Those who know Him receive Him into their hearts but look for gifts, miracles and healings and fail to love Him alone. How much more will He suffer the cold in our hearts?

This Advent let us make our hearts warm for baby Jesus to take abode. Only the love of God that reaches as far as the cross can open a breach in our hardened, cold hearts. In every act of love and kindness let us pray unceasingly, “Sweet kisses to baby Jesus, quivering in the bitter cold.”


Reshma Thomas

Reshma Thomas is a wife and mother of four wonderful children. She finds great joy in doing little works for Jesus, and making known his merciful love revealed through her life-experiences. She lives with her family in Kerala, India.

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