
Aug 01, 2017 4533 Mary Pearson

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How to Have a Normal Conversation (…with the Creator of the Universe)


You have a job offer and you are not sure whether or not you should take it. You need a little help deciding and so a natural thing to do is call a close friend. The two of you talk it over; your friend helps you weigh the pros and cons and you get off the phone call perhaps still not 100% certain of your decision but you feel like you have at least a little more clarity on the matter.

Now, what if instead of calling your friend, you just sent a brief text: “Have job offer. Send flowers if you think I should take; disregard if I shouldn’t.” Crazy as that sounds, is this not sometimes how we approach our prayer when faced with a big decision?

Of course, God is more than just a good buddy with helpful advice—He is the one who actually KNOWS how things will turn out whether we choose one road or the other. It would be so helpful if God could just beam down a ray of light illuminating which path we should take at every major crossroad, but often that is not the way it works.

The Way It Works

As my father-in-law puts it: “God is not a cosmic slotmachine.” Prayer is a conversation—a conversation with the Creator of the Universe, but a conversation nonetheless. When you are faced with decisions, however big or small, God wants to talk with you about them. How else are we supposed to grow in relationship with God other than talking through our thoughts and feelings with Him? God put that brain in your head and it is weighing all those scenarios. Your faculty of reason is one way in which God talks to you. Another way He talks to you is through your desires and longings.

 “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” —Psalm 37:4

When that Psalm popped into my head while I was driving one day, I nearly pulled over so I could look it up to be sure it was actually in Scripture. Did God really promise me the desires of my heart? Is not prayer and this whole Christianity thing supposed to be about conforming my will to His? Of course it is, but the Christian life is not meant to be a drudgery of “I’m doing this because God says so.” It is supposed to be a joyful union of our will and our desires to the Creator’s, so that we can confidently proclaim with the Psalmist, “Take delight in the Lord, and He WILL give you the desires of your heart.”

Our desires and longings are another way that God reveals Himself to us. If this sounds controversial it should not, because it is relatively simple to keep in check—if my desires are immoral or somehow not keeping with the teachings of the Church, then they are not of God, plain and simple. But, if I am weighing two options—neither of which appear to lead me away from God and His church—and one stirs a longing deep within me or, conversely, maybe one produces feelings of anxiety or just an overall sense of not sitting right, then perhaps those feelings are God speaking to me.

 “Ask a Sign of the Lord Your God” —Isaiah 7:11

I am all about praying novenas and being specific in prayer intentions. Asking for signs is not necessarily a bad thing (it is actually Biblical!). However, asking for signs is never a stand-alone thing. God will give you signs, but only in the context of a relationship and as the result of a conversation. In fact, you probably will not even recognize the signs God sends your way if you are not in the habit of talking to Him.

So start talking! Regularly open up the Scriptures to get to know God and to familiarize yourself with His voice. Spend regular time in silent, personal prayer. God wants to help us in both the big decisions and the little things—not as some guidance counselor, but as the most important person in our lives.


Mary Pearson

Mary Pearson (@marypearsonblog) is a stay at home wife and mother with a passion for sharing the faith through writing. She has published two books (“Letters From a Young Catholic” and “A Young Catholic's Guide To The Family”) and blogs regularly at marypearsonblog.com.

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