
Jul 15, 2016 2013 Dana Edwards

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Hearing God in the Workplace

Until recently, I had this perception that to serve God in a day job, someone had to work directly in religious life or work as a missionary. I thoroughly enjoy my day job in communications, but could not help wondering if what I was doing ultimately served God. I searched the Internet for ways to see God in the day-to-day struggles of work-life balance.

Through my search and prayer, I realized that working in an ethical environment that fit with my morals and values was the first step to seeing how my work served God. After reflection, I also saw how the words I used and the promotional or informative materials I designed inspired and educated others. God gives us all unique talents to grow and develop, as mentioned in The Parable of the Talents in the Gospel of Matthew. I believe my communications role allows me to strengthen my gifts in thinking creatively and working quickly and efficiently, while helping me to be a positive voice in my work environment.

Here are some inspirational points I keep in mind while working in a nine-to-five career:

  1.  “Work becomes worship when you dedicate it to God and perform it with an awareness of His presence.” —Rick Warren, “The Purpose Driven Life”

A secular view removes God from our work. However, God wants to be a part of our work. He calls us to use our unique talents for others. This helps to reveal to us why we are important and what we are called to do. We can each bring honor and glory to God in our own way by using these unique talents in whatever work we do. Some ideas: thank God for opportunities He presents throughout the day; take time to acknowledge and thank coworkers for their talents; and recognize clients and customers by thanking them for their business and time.

  1.  “Slaves, be obedient … as to Christ, not only when being watched, as currying favor, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, willingly serving the Lord and not human beings, knowing that each will be requited from the Lord for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free.” —Ephesians 6:5-8

Regardless of the type of work we do, God is our ultimate employer. Following God’s plan for our work is what gives it legitimacy. Just as Adam and Eve, before they sinned, were given the task of taking care of God’s creation, so also were we created to do God’s work of maintaining and providing for His creation.

It is important to remain ethical in our daily tasks. When we are tempted to gossip, be grumpy or give into peer pressure, we must remind ourselves that God calls us to act above those enticements.

  1.  “Those to whom God gives riches and property, and grants power to partake of them, so that they receive their lot and find joy in the fruits of their toil: This is a gift from God. For they will hardly dwell on the shortness of life, because God lets them busy themselves with the joy of their heart.” —Ecclesiastes 5:18-19

Serving God in our work completely depends on our attitude. We are called to be joyful in our work. This is made easier when we remember that we are ultimately serving others through our work. If there is a menial or stressful task ahead, think of the people who benefit from our service.

  1.  “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without Me you can do nothing.” —John 15:5

God wants to be invited into every area of our lives, and much of our lives are spent doing work. Though we may attain monetary success or be productive in the workplace, if our work does not have God as its foundation, it is stripped of its transcendent meaning. Including God in our daily lives is a sign of humility. Try asking for God’s help throughout the day or during an important meeting or project.

  1. “In every way I have shown you that by hard work of that sort we must help the weak, and keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” —Acts 20:35

While we work to earn a living and provide for our families, we are also called to be generous to our neighbors in need. After all, it is because of God’s blessings that we have the ability to take care of ourselves. We are, again, called to take care of all God’s creation. Some ways we can take care of god’s creation include:

◗ Reflecting on what our God-given talents are and seeking ways to put our talents to work by serving our community.

◗ Seeking to respect life in all forms—the environment, human life from conception to natural death, and other living animals.

◗ Finding ways to live simply and not be wasteful (recycle, reuse).

◗ Offering to help others in the office—if a coworker is on a tight deadline, ask her or him how you can assist in your role.

◗ Saving a portion of your monthly budget for charity, including church tithing. you never know when a service opportunity presents itself—and now, you will have a budget from which you can pull!

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Dana Edwards

Dana Edwards is a recent graduate of the University of Florida. She resides in Tallahassee, Florida, where she works as a digital strategist and volunteers as a lector and with communication outreach at her local parish, Good Shepherd Catholic Church. Reprinted with permission from the Catholic Apostolate Center (www.CatholicApostolateCenter.org).

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