
Aug 01, 2017 2024 Chevalier Benny Punnathara

Enjoy the Life You have Now

Once Alexander the Great was asked by a scholar, “Your excellency, once you capture Babylon, what will be your next goal?” “Well, Edessa is next. It is easy to capture that city. So, capturing Edessa and making it my own, would be my next target,” replied Alexander.

“Once you capture Edessa, what then?” the scholar continued.

“I will then turn towards Alexandria and defeat them.”

“Well, what about after you capture Alexandria?”

“Cilicia would be my next target for attack”

The scholar, curious, continued, “Your highness, please do not feel bad that I am questioning you. Can you please tell me what benefit you will obtain by winning all these battles?”

“After conquering the cities, I will rest peacefully and enjoy life,” replied Alexander the Great.

To this reply, the scholar raised yet another question, “Your excellency, then why is that you are not able to enjoy life right now?”

Even before he could enjoy his life, Alexander bid goodbye to the world. All his hard work was worthless, because after his death, everything that he captured was divided among other nations. And at the end, it was all just history.

Alexander’s tragedy is felt even today by those who desire to get more than what they need, those who are greedy, and those who solely focus on making a name for themselves. It is not just our accomplishments or busy lives that make our lives enjoyable. Rather, to be happy in life, we do not need new things. There is a persistent notion of “If I could only earn much more money, or gain more wisdom, or get another job—then my life would be so much happier!” However, these are all worldly ideas!

A peaceful heart is what is necessary for an enjoyable life. And how can we best obtain a peaceful heart? By believing and trusting in God.

If you are in a car traveling 100 miles per hour, you feel that the roadside trees and people on sidewalk vanish quickly. However, when going slow, you can easily see roadside scenery really well. In the same way, only when we keep our mind calm and peaceful, can we enjoy the beauty of flowers, the tranquility of dusk, and the sweetness of relationships. Only then can we truly enjoy life.


Lord, teach me to enjoy every day that You give me. Grant pardon to my weak mind that does not find happiness in this great pasture that You have gifted me. Please teach me that the one who can conquer his own heart is much stronger than the one who conquers the world. Oh Lord God, please steer this fast-paced life of mine. Grant me the grace to acknowledge the beautiful life that you have given me! Amen.


Chevalier Benny Punnathara

Chevalier Benny Punnathara has authored many books on the faith life which have been translated into several languages. In 2012, then Pope Benedict XVI awarded the title of ‘Chevalier’ to Punnathara for his outstanding contributions to the Catholic Church and society. In addition to being the founder of Shalom ministries, Punnathara serves as the Chairman of Shalom Media. He and his wife, Stella, an author and speaker, live in India along with their two children.

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