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Mar 09, 2024 625 Maria Teres Sebastian, India

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Lenten reflections

Alabaster Jar, Mine and Yours

Lent reminds us of the need to repent and return to God’s mercy and love, but we are often clueless as to how to do it. There is so much darkness, sin, and filth, that it feels impossible to make a return journey. I am reminded of the “sinful woman” with the alabaster jar (Luke 7:36-50). All she had was a past life of sin, lots of shame, ridicule from everyone around, AND the alabaster jar. Amidst all the stink, the alabaster jar stands in stark contrast. So much strife and sin was ruling her life, but she found the strength to discover a fragrance that was placed within her when she was formed in her “mother’s womb” (Psalm 139). In the nothingness or abundance of our lives too, isn’t there a little goodness that we overlook? That nagging desire to do some good, that teeny disturbance after you do something wrong, an innate desire to have peace, a heart that is tired of all the strife in the world…? Do you realize that this goodness is a part of us, however hard we try to run away from His grasp?

If you feel ashamed of all the horrible things you repeatedly notice about yourself, this might be a good place to start. Look at that little goodness, and thank the Lord for it. Take yourself to Him, and tell him: “You placed this fragrance within me for a bigger purpose, but I have no idea what to do with it. Help me, Lord, to be who You want me to be.”

Let the fragrance spread, and listen to His soft voice telling you: “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” (Luke 7:50) Jesus came to us because He accepts us in our emptiness and sin; just open yourself to that Love and He will help you rediscover your beauty!


Maria Teres Sebastian

Maria Teres Sebastian is a passionate young writer who aspires to spend her time and skills for the glory of God. She lives in Kerala, India.

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