
Apr 01, 2017 1832 Jerome Kiley

A Foundation is Being Built

Not long ago I was driving in my car and stopped at an intersection in Boston that links several major roads and a major highway. That makes it a big destination for people who are homeless. In fact, on the side of the road there are a few large trees and a large group of people live under the trees.

As I stopped, a man came walking through the cars looking for a donation. I happened to have a little cash on me, so I took out a bill. When he came by, I opened my window and I put it in his jar. “Thanks, God bless you, sir,” he said. I said thanks in return and then I asked him, “Do you pray?” He said, of course he does, all the time. I said, “Will you pray for me? And I’ll pray for you.” He said of course. “A woman stopped and helped me and said she doesn’t need prayers, she’s so blessed that she has enough to share with other people.” I said, “Well, I always need prayers. And I will pray for you.”

He looked at me with the most forlorn look I had ever seen and said, “Yeah, that one day I can get off this corner.” I thought, what faith! Here was a guy who keeps praying to God and hoping for something that seems to take forever to happen. I thought, he has a great foundation. Someday, I do not know when, he was going to really be a part of something special.

When God sent Moses to the Israelites to lead them to freedom from Egypt, He said it was because He had heard their prayers. Well, it was about time! They had only been there, oh, a few hundred years. That means that several full generations went by—people born, living long lives and dying—without any sign of God answering their prayers for freedom. But they kept on praying. That was why God heard their prayers: because it had been several hundred years and they did not give up on Him. God is impressed with that faith. It was a great foundation. They were going to need that foundation to believe Moses can cross the Red Sea as a group of 850,000 and then pass through a desert for forty years. God made them a part of something special: the foundation of the salvation of the whole world.

When God is going to do something great, He does what we do: He first builds a foundation. There are certain things about foundations that are true. One is that foundations take a long time to build. The second is that you cannot see them even while they are being built and the third is that, once they are done, the rest of the building goes up quickly.

If you drive around Boston these days, you cannot help notice large cranes everywhere. New buildings are going up all over the place. When I left Boston last December, there were two locations being worked on in the city near where I would drive a lot. The locations were surrounded with fences and you could hear the work, but you could not see anything. They were building the foundations.

When I came back in June, I thought, those buildings must be done by now, I wonder how they look. Well, would you know, they were not done; in fact, it was not even close. They still had the fences around them. I thought, a year and they are still working on the foundations. On one of them, they apparently finished the foundation, because all of a sudden, the floors started being built one after another in only a few weeks’ time. Something really special is being built there—super high-end, rich housing!

If you are asking God for help and light and seeking to go forward in life and it seems like you are stuck on a corner or in a dead-end job or a no-where love life, remember that God is building a foundation of your faith. Keep praying, keep asking. You may not see it and it often takes a lot longer than you would like. But a foundation is being built and that is what it is like to build a foundation. There will come a time when the building starts to go up and things will move fast.

And you will realize that you are part of something really special. “On this rock I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18).


Jerome Kiley

Jerome Kiley is a lay missionary who lives in Boston and Ecuador. A former engineer and basketball coach who was won over by the mercy of Jesus, Jerome dedicated himself to a broad array of lay pastoral and outreach ministries in the Catholic Church before reaching Ecuador in 2010. He loves the people of Ecuador and is happy living the Gospel and sharing it. You can find his reflections at www.ALivingmonstrance.wordpress.com and you can discover more about his mission to Ecuador at www.barriers2bridges.com.

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