
Sep 20, 2016 2668 Tony Agnesi

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Iron Sharpens Iron

Recently, as I sat at daily Mass, it occurred to me that I was surrounded by a dozen male friends. We sit together at daily Mass and go to breakfast or out for coffee a few times each week. We even have a name for our group, “Fools for Christ” taken from 1 Corinthians. We are different in many ways. Some are employed, some unemployed, some retired. We work in a variety of fields from insurance to taxes, communications to medicine, and pharmaceuticals to construction. We all have different interests and ministries. Some are involved in healing ministry, some serve the homeless, other are involved in Legion of Mary, Saint Vincent DePaul, and Catholic radio. Yet, we all have one thing in common—our love for Christ and His church. And, just as iron sharpens iron, we sharpen each other!

Unless you have not been paying attention, we have a crisis in Christianity. Fewer and fewer people are attending Mass and Sunday services. Church attendance has fallen from more than 80 percent in 1950 to just over 20 percent today. A disproportionate share of that decline is among Men.

More and more, men are attempting to navigate the tough problems of life alone. They have no one to share their frustrations with, no one to go to for advice, no one to hold them accountable, and no one with whom to pray.

God never intended man to go it alone. We need friends. A dull knife is still a knife, but when sharpened, it is sharper, brighter and fit for use. The same is true for men. A man going it alone is still a man, but he is dull, sad and inactive, and sometimes confused and paralyzed. But, friendship is like the sharpening instrument. It sharpens our thinking, refreshes our direction, revives our love of God and clarifies our actions.

Two of the same knives cannot sharpen each other. It takes a different kind of iron to sharpen them. The fact that my friends are all different gives each of us the opportunity to sharpen others. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and I have learned something different from each of them. Spending time together gives us a chance to pray, encourage, exhort, admonish, and help each other. Sharing the word of God is like that “two-edged” sword that strengthens each of us.

If you are struggling and going it alone, you should try finding a group of men you can join. It was easy back in college, but those guys are gone. You need to find some new friends. Here are a couple of suggestions:

◗  Seek out a men’s group at church. Often, you can join a Bible study, men’s prayer group or service project that will help introduce you to some new people. Our “Fools for Christ” group came about from the merging of several other groups that disbanded.

◗  Find or start your own breakfast or lunch group. Years ago, when I lived in Atlanta, we had a group of guys that met for lunch on Wednesdays. Not all of us could make every lunch, but there were a few guys each week that could help provide a mid-week lift in faith.

◗  Find men with a common interest at work, school or on a team and get together away from that activity. Often guys are just waiting for someone to ask. Do not be afraid to take that first step.

You do not have to go it alone. It is not how God intended it. We need male friends to help us on our life journey. We need men to help rebuild the church, but to do that you have got to be involved, engaged and intentional about your Christian Faith.

You can do this and I promise that you will enjoy a more confident and rewarding life with your own “fools for Christ.” Remember, iron sharpens iron and people sharpen people. Until then, I will be praying for you.


Tony Agnesi

Tony Agnesi is an inspirational storyteller, author, blogger and radio host. His passion is sharing his Catholic faith and helping others discover a more joyful life through God’s grace. You can follow his stories and podcasts at http://tonyagnesi.com.

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