
Jul 18, 2016 1696 Larry Peterson

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Meet ‘The Doorkeeper’—Solanus Casey, The Man with No Ego

The 2016 election (mere months away) long ago wore me down. The pundits include the greatest thinkers of our time. I know this because virtually all of the television and radio commentators, campaign offi cials, editorial writers, government offi cials, talk show hosts, comedians and, of course, the candidates are always saying, “I THINK … this” or “I THINK … that.” Those folks sure do a lot of thinking. And I know it must be important thinking because the ones doing all the thinking are doing it on television, radio, in print or somewhere in cyber-land. It MUST be important, right? Wrong!

They are all experts in everything you can think of and, filled with their own sense of grandiosity, vilify, name call, and besmirch those with an opposing viewpoint or philosophy. They even attack their opponent’s families. Then you hear the great Machiavellian disclaimer of, “Hey, that’s politics.” You know what, I have my own phrase for all of it— rude, obnoxious, self-gratified Egomania. I am so over it.

I decided to begin a search for someone sans EGO. I was sure it would be almost next to impossible. But guess what? It was not. We Catholics celebrate the great feast of All Saint’s Day on November 1. The saints are members of the Catholic Hall of Fame (I call it that). They are the best of the best, the crème de le crème, the most selfless of the unselfish. These are the people who loved God unconditionally and, in some cases, failed many times before they got it right. But they all invariably emptied themselves for others before they died, many times giving their lives in doing so.

Let me tell you about one of them who was a quiet, uncomplicated man who never aspired to be anything more than a simple priest. His name was Bernard Francis Casey and his family and friends called him Barney. There are many guys and gals like Barney in our Catholic Hall of Fame and they, like Barney, were “ego-less.” This was not a birth defect. Their secret simply was knowing how to love God with all their mind, heart, and soul. That led them to love others more than themselves. It was NEVER about them.

Barney was born in Oak Grove, Wisconsin, back in 1870. He was the sixth of sixteen children of Irish immigrants. When Barney was a boy he contracted diphtheria and it left him with a permanently raspy sounding voice (Barney would never have qualified for American Idol). Barney felt the call to the priesthood but, at the age of sixteen, he hit a detour. He had to go to work to help the family and worked at jobs in Minnesota and Wisconsin as a lumberjack, a prison guard, a streetcar operator, and a hospital orderly. Barney always did whatever job he had to the best of his ability, wanting to serve his God in all things. Five years later he was able to enter Saint Francis High School seminary in Milwaukee. He spent five years there before being able to move on and join the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin. Upon his acceptance he took the name of Solanus after Saint Francis Solanus, a 17th-century missionary.

Solanus Casey was finally ordained a priest at the age of thirty-three. He had to study extremely hard to reach that goal and when he was finally ordained he was given the title “Sacerdos Simplex” which means “simple priest.” This meant that he was not permitted to preach or to hear confessions. He never complained and took joy in just being a “simple priest.”

Father Casey lived in Detroit and his main job at the monastery was that of “doorkeeper.” Father Casey, wanting to be the absolute best at whatever God chose for him, became the finest doorkeeper that ever lived. He did this for well over twenty years and also became known for his service to the sick and the advice and consultations he would have with visitors. People began attributing cures and other blessings to his interaction with them or others.

Father Casey was a man who opened and closed doors for people, a man who had no ego, and who was happy to serve God in the simplest of ways. A man who, because miracles have been attributed to his intercession, was declared “Venerable” by Pope John Paul II in 1995. This is the first step toward canonization as a saint. Father Solanus Casey died in 1957.

Father Casey is the first man born in the United States to be on the road to full sainthood. And all he did was humbly and happily open doors for people and talk to them if they wanted. A Catholic Hall of Famer for sure and quite the contrast to the gaggle of egotists that bombard us daily with their “I think” wisdom. Solanus (Barney) Casey has re-charged me. It might be nice if all of today’s bloviating pundits could hear or read his story.


Larry Peterson

Larry Peterson (www.larrypeterson-author.com) is a Catholic/Christian blogger. His work has appeared in publications such as Zenit from Rome, Aleteia, New Evangelists, Top Catholic Blogs, Big Pulpit, Catholic 365.com and others. His first children's picture book, "Slippery Willie's Stupid, Ugly Shoes" was published in 2011. His novels include "The Priest & The Peaches" and "The Demons of Abadon." Peterson belongs to the Catholic Writer’s Guild, The Catholic Writer’s Society, The Knights of Columbus, and the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. He has been an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for over twenty years, bringing communion to the homebound and hospitalized. Peterson resides in Pinellas Park, Florida and his kids and six grandchildren all live within three miles of each other. Visit www.slipperywillie.blogspot.com to enjoy more of his inspiring writings.

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