
Nov 19, 2016 1935 Christopher Stefanick

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My poor little girl was totally miserable the other day. “My day was horrible!” she said, as she loaded her backpack into the car after a rough day in the first grade.

I googled images of children from Haiti to show her how lucky is she is. After all “horrible day” is a relative phrase . . .

. . . Her horrible day consisted of “first world problems” in a clean, safe school, and while I did not want to diminish those problems, I thought it might help give her perspective if I showed her kids who had had a really horrible day . . . but all I could find in google images for “Children from Haiti” were kids with big, big smiles.

Of course those images confirmed what I had preached countless times but had momentarily forgotten (and I often forget this for myself): real happiness (let us call it “joy”), is 90 percent attitude and 10 percent circumstance. The poorest places on earth lack material goods but are rich in gratitude for everything. They are rich with the knowledge of just how much they need God and need one another for everything. They are rich in something Jesus called, “poverty of spirit.”

The real first world poverty is forgetting all that. The real first world problem is ingratitude. That is why children from underdeveloped nations tend to smile more than children of privilege.

You cannot always control your circumstances, but you can control, moment by moment, how you respond and on what you choose to focus your attention.

You are busy. Your life is harried. I know. So is mine. We cannot always control that.

Or maybe you are having a horrible day. You are facing hard times. You got a bad medical report. You are struggling in your marriage. Your boss is a pain. We cannot always control that either.

Without diminishing the reality of the splinters sinking into your shoulder as you carry the cross, I want to challenge you to stop for a moment and take inventory of all you have to be grateful for, and say THANK YOU as often as possible to God and to other people. All circumstances aside, you will be happier at the end of the day if you do.

“I have told you these things so my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” – Jesus


Christopher Stefanick

Christopher Stefanick (www.RealLifeCatholic.com) is a sought-after speaker to Catholic audiences worldwide. He has authored or co-authored several books, including "Do I Have To Go?," "Raising Pure Teens," and "Absolute Relativism." Stefanick is founder and president of Real Life Catholic, a non-profit organization dedicated to reengaging a generation. He and his wife and parents to six children.

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