
May 10, 2018 2972 Steph Ransom

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Young and Married

I am going to get all fairy-tale on you for just a minute: my wedding day was the most amazing day of my life to date. I loved every minute of it. I still get happy when I look at the photos of our day (Blu-Tacked to our bedroom wall as we are not allowed to hang frames in our apartment; we are renting).

Our wedding day felt like the culmination of all of the talking, dates, praying, seeking and journeying toward our vocation. my husband and I were 20 and 21. It did not feel like I was “too young” to get married. We had an incredible amount of support from our family and friends. We were, and are, so blessed.

It is not all mountain-climbing adventures, cute selfies and warm winter snuggles on the couch watching tv. Sometimes it is like that, but not as often as you think.

My husband and I are both studying full time, I am working two jobs and he works full time. We are busy. We are also normal and need down time. We need to hang out with our friends (that are not each other). We argue about stupid things and important things. My marriage requires a lot from me when sometimes it does not feel like I have anything to give.

Sometimes we are too tired from university and work to cook dinner, but we have to cook dinner because we do not live at home and mum cannot just whip something up for us (love ya, mum). I have not lived at home since I finished high school and I did not know how to appreciate a fully stocked fridge of food back then.

So how do we do it, being young and married? Jesus is the one who fuels me on this journey. His love flows straight through my veins and into the heart of another. It is Jesus who calls me to holiness through my marriage.

I am not going to tell you that marriage requires sacrifice (because it does, but I am sure you have already heard that hundreds of times). I want to tell you that it requires honesty. Being honest with yourself and with God about where you are. How are you doing? Are you stressed? What is the deal with budgeting? Do you need more quality time than you are receiving?

You need to be honest with your spouse. marriage is not for running and hiding. Maybe for a little while, but in the long run honesty will be your best friend. You need to create space for your spouse to be honest with you as well.

Being young and married does allow us to be adventurers together. Like, how many weeks can we stretch out our trip to Europe before it affects our studies? From where is that smell in the kitchen coming?! (We mastered that one). Our weekly trips to the dog park to pat stranger’s dogs are a necessity for us to remember that married life is not all about serious work and strategic organization.

I am still growing up. I do not know everything there is to know about life or marriage. Neither does my husband (although he does know a lot) and it can be so confusing for the both of us trying to figure it all out, at the same time. We need grace. We need ALL of the grace.

We need to approach the Sacraments regularly; not just because “we should” but because we NeeD to. How can I offer forgiveness if I do not know of it myself? How can I offer unconditional love to my husband if I have forgotten the ultimate act of unconditional love?

Jesus is not just my ultimate example; He is my ultimate teacher. I cannot take direction from myself, from society or from my friends alone. I need to take all things to and from Him. There is no other way that I can expect to be faithful in my vocation if it is not with Jesus.

Let us create a culture of young people so desperate to live out their vocation that they cannot put aside holiness any longer. Whether you get married or serve the Church through single life, priesthood or religious life—or if you are still on your way to figuring it out—seek God with your whole heart. Do it now. He will not disappoint you.


Steph Ransom

Steph Ransom (@stph_) works with Ignite Youth in young adult formation, an area for which she is very passionate. She has more than five years’ experience in the youth ministry. Originally published at catholiccollective.org.au. Reprinted with permission.

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