
Oct 10, 2024 22 Fiona McKenna, Australia

Peace from Pieces

Rome, Saint Peter’s Basilica, meeting the Pope…could life be more eventful? I discovered it can be.

My conversion to the Catholic faith came about during my trip to Rome, where I was lucky to study for part of my degree. The Catholic university I attended had organized a couple of audiences with Pope Francis as part of the trip. One evening, I was sitting in the Saint Peter’s Basilica, listening to the Rosary being prayed in Latin over the loudspeaker while I waited for the service to begin. Though I didn’t understand Latin at the time, nor know what the Rosary was, I somehow recognized the prayer. It was a moment of mystical immersion that eventually led me to entrust my entire life to Jesus through the intercession of Mary. This began a journey of conversion that culminated in my Baptism into the Catholic Church a year later, and a love story that ensued shortly afterward.

Discovering Moments

I found myself slowly building the foundations of my relationship with Jesus, unknowingly imitating Mary in the process. I knelt at His feet in prayer as Mary might have done at Calvary, seeking to deepen my connection to Christ. I continue this practice today, studying His face, His wounds, His vulnerability, and His suffering. More importantly, I meet Him every day to console Him because I can’t bear the thought of Him being alone on the Cross. By meditating on His Passion, I find I can more deeply appreciate the significance of the Living Christ, who lives in us today. 

As I devoted myself to this practice, I felt Jesus waiting for me in my daily prayers, yearning for my faithfulness, and seeking my companionship. The more I held Him up in silent prayer, the more I began to feel a deep sorrow and grief for the price Jesus paid for my life and the lives of others. I shed tears for Him. I imprisoned Him in my heart and consoled Him in prayer, mirroring Mary’s tender care for her Son. The realization of the sacrificial love that led Jesus to the Cross stirred deep maternal emotions within me, compelling me to surrender everything to Him. Through the grace of Our Lady, I offered myself completely to Jesus, allowing Him to transform me as our relationship blossomed. 

Offering it Up

When I experienced a great loss two years ago, I continued this daily practice, though the focus of my sorrow shifted. The tears I shed were no longer for Him but for myself. I could do nothing but fall at the feet of Our Lord in my absolute distress and despair, as selfish as I felt. It was then that God showed me how redemptive suffering can be shared not just by witnessing His sacrifice in prayer, but by entering into His Passion. 

Suddenly, His suffering was no longer external to me, but something so intimate that I became one with Christ on the Cross. I was no longer alone in my suffering. In turn, it was He who held me up in silent prayer, He who grieved for me and shared my sorrow. He shed tears for me and opened His heart where I retreated and became His prisoner. I was held captive in His love.

Trodding the Uneasy Path

Imitating Mary leads us directly to the Heart of Jesus, teaching us the essence of true repentance and the boundless mercy that flows from His love. This journey may be challenging, requiring us to share in the burdens of Christ’s Cross. Yet, through our trials and sorrows, we can find solace in His comforting presence, knowing that He never abandons us. By following Mary’s example, we invite her to guide us in deepening our connection with Jesus, our Lord and Savior, and sharing in His redemptive suffering. By doing so, we become living martyrs for the pain and suffering of those who have not yet met Christ, and in the same process, we ourselves are healed.

As we emulate Mary’s maternal love for her Son, we draw closer to the essence of His Passion and become vessels of His healing grace. Through offering our own sufferings in union with Christ, we become living witnesses of His love and compassion, bringing solace to those who have yet to encounter Him. In this sacred process, we find healing for ourselves and become instruments of God’s mercy, spreading His light to those in need. Likewise, we learn to embrace the crosses in our lives with courage, knowing that they are pathways to a deeper union with Christ. 

Through Mary’s intercession, we are guided toward a profound understanding of the sacrificial love that led Jesus to give His life for us. As we walk the path of discipleship, following in the footsteps of Mary, we are called to offer our own sufferings and struggles to Jesus, trusting in His transformative power to bring healing and redemption to our lives.


Fiona McKenna

Fiona McKenna is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Theological Studies. She lives in Canberra, Australia.

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