
Jan 16, 2016 2551 Father Dwight Longenecker

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6 Reasons Why Giving Away Your Money Makes You Prosperous

My Dad was a Christian businessman who tithed 15 percent of his income to the church. That is right. A whopping 15 percent. Before taxes. With a wife and five kids.

He did so even when he had to re-mortgage his business property and his business was on the skids.

At the age of fifty he and my brother sold up everything in Pennsylvania and put all their eggs into one basket—they moved to South Carolina and opened a men’s clothing store. Over the next ten years they began to be fairly prosperous. At that point my Dad gave even more of his money to the Lord’s work.

I am convinced that tithing brings prosperity. How does it work? Six things begin to happen:

First, when you tithe, your attitude to you wealth changes. By giving sacrificially you achieve detachment. The money and the stuff money buys does not matter to you so much anymore. Giving sacrificially sets things in their right priority.

So what happens when you achieve detachment? You do not care about money and the stuff money buys as much so you live more simply. You do not give two hoots So what happens when you achieve detachment? You do not care about money and the stuff money buys as much so you live more simply. You do not give two hoots for the big trophy house. You do not really want a lake house or beach house. You are happy to lease a car or drive an older car. You do not need all the toys and all the unnecessary things. Consequently, as you live more simply you have more money.

Second, when you give sacrificially you start to live on the edge a bit. Your attitude toward life changes. You are not resting on your cash and securities, your investments and savings as much (because you do not have any) and so your approach to life is more one of living by faith.

You are learning to do wave walking–trusting in God and not in your riches. When you have this attitude to life you are more able to take risks and the person who takes risks usually profits from them in the end. You are willing to take risks because you do not mind losing it all because you are not putting your trust in that stuff anyway. Get it?

Now, this is pretty cool because you are not only taking risks in your business and in your management of money, but you are also taking risks in your relationship with God and with others, and this is an exciting way to live. It is also a prosperous way to live because risk takers usually accomplish more than those who play it safe.

Thirdly, when you break your love of money and you live more simply you will probably start working harder. You are starting to remember what it was like to be hungry. When you are hungry you see new opportunities. You make new connections. You are alert and alive and working at your peak and these things all lead to prosperity.

Fourthly, when you live by faith as a result of sacrificial giving you meet other people who are doing the same. These are the best people in life to associate with. They are successful, happy people. They are powerful, positive people. They are optimistic people who are full of faith. These kind of people can move mountains. These people are stopped by nothing. They accomplish great things and you are part of their network and are moving and living with some of the most amazing and fulfilled and happy people in the world.

Fifth, when you give sacrificially you develop a new dimension of gratitude in your life. You realize how blessed you are and that “gratitude attitude” affects every other part of your life. It brings about a new positive attitude. It grows optimism. It brings happiness and it also brings an even greater level of generosity.

Sixth, giving sacrificially makes you happy. When you learn detachment through sacrificial giving you stop worrying so much. You learn to trust in God. You learn to rest in Him, and this attitude changes your life for the better.

By now you will see that when I use the word “prosperity” I am not talking only about having more money in the bank. If you give sacrificially you might end up with more money in the bank. Many people do, but more importantly, you end up with spiritual capital. You have learned the spiritual lessons and you have learned the secret of genuine happiness.

True prosperity is being able to live a happy, contented, abundant and full life that is not dependent on the amount of money in your bank account. True prosperity is prosperity of heart. It is knowing what is most important and knowing how to attain that and how to live within that great gift of contentment.

When I was a kid I had to memorize Bible verses from the King James Version.

One of the best ones is: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33)

It was true then. It is still true today.


Father Dwight Longenecker

Father Dwight Longenecker is a former Evangelical, then an Anglican priest, and now a Catholic priest. Visit his website at www.DwightLongenecker.com to browse his books and to be in touch. Article originally appeared at www.aleteia.org. Reprinted with permission.

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