
Jun 22, 2024 442 Richard Maffeo

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Should We Care?

A blaring home siren was ripping through the stillness of the night. I woke up with a start. My first instinct was one of frustration, but as the moments passed and the siren continued wailing across the neighborhood, I realized there was something amiss.

More from curiosity than bravado, I went outside to get a better look. Seeing my neighbor John working under the hood of his car, I called out and asked about the siren, but he seemed not to hear it at all. He simply shrugged: “Those things go off all the time…it’ll turn itself off in a few minutes.”

I was confused. “But what if someone is breaking into the house?” 

“Well, if they have their alarm serviced by the alarm company, someone will come around in a little bit to check on it. But it’s probably just nothing. Like I said, they go off all the time for the craziest reasons. Lightning storms, a car backfire…who knows why?” 

I went back into my house and looked at the alarm panel on the wall near our front door. 

What good is an alarm if no one pays any attention? 

How often is the Gospel message heard across our neighborhoods and our cities like a voice crying in the wilderness, an alarm warning of impending danger echoing through the night? “Turn back to God,” it exhorts. “Repent. Ask for His forgiveness.”

Yet many of us just shrug our shoulders, turn away, and continue fiddling under the hoods of our cars, content with our lifestyle, relationships, and comfort zones. 

“Hey, don’t you hear it?” Every now and then someone interrupts. The response would probably be: “Been hearing it ever since I was a kid. But don’t worry, it’ll turn itself off in a few minutes.” 

“Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near.” (Isaiah 55:6)


Richard Maffeo

Richard Maffeo was born into a Jewish home; after thirty-three years in evangelical Protestant churches, he was received into the Catholic Church in 2005. He lives with his wife, Nancy, in Georgia.

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