
Nov 29, 2024 124 Sarah Barry

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Daily Miracles

Sarah’s superpower is her ability to spot miracles everywhere she looks; wish you had it too?

When we think of miracles, our mind jumps to vivid scenarios of water turning into wine, the blind suddenly seeing, and the dead rising again. What we often fail to realize is that miracles happen every single day. They are not limited to the seemingly ancient stories of the Bible, nor are they limited to the rare, miraculous occurrences in the lives of Saints—something we think for sure could never happen to us. It was Albert Einstein who once said: “There are two ways to live—you can either live as if nothing is a miracle, or you can live as if everything is a miracle.” The key that lies in unlocking this way of life is within us. When we allow ourselves to see God in every little thing that occurs in our day, we open ourselves up to receive miracles.

Forget it!

One of the only homilies I recall clearly from my early childhood unlocked this mindset within me. I remember the story the priest told upon the altar. A woman had recounted a time when she was running late to a meeting and sought desperately for a parking place in a fully crowded parking lot. In desperation, she prayed to God and asked that he find her an open space. In return, she promised to donate large amounts of food to a local charity. As she finished her prayer, a car pulled out of a spot in front of her. Thinking she found a parking place herself, she instantly responded to God: “Forget it.” How quick are we to dismiss God’s intervention and the miracles which happen before us daily!

My daily life is filled with miracles, but I am not any more blessed or special than anyone else. I simply find them every day. What you look for, you will find, and what you refuse to see, you will never discover. In my own life, there have been countless times I’ve encountered God’s grace and intercession in unexpected ways, ways that most people would write off and fail to notice.

Where there is No Way…

When I was just beginning to develop a much deeper faith, I went on a school trip to Quebec, Canada. That had been the first year I began going to Mass every single Sunday but being new to a more committed practice of my faith, it had not crossed my mind that I would not be able to attend Mass that weekend. The trip was fully guided with a strict itinerary and chaperones directing everything we would be doing. We toured the city, visited shops, and went hiking to a waterfall, all the typical activities to be expected on a secular French class trip.

Yet on that Sunday, we unexpectedly stopped to tour a local Cathedral. When we walked in, as most students headed to the Church’s museum or admired the artwork, I realized that Mass had begun a bit before we had arrived. Not only was I able to attend Mass, but the timing was perfect as I even managed to receive Communion before we had to board our bus again and leave! Indeed, God creates a way when it seems there is none.

Thornless Roses

One of my favorite Novenas to pray is the one to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, the Little Flower. Before her death, Saint Thérèse promised to send a shower of roses upon those who seek her intercession. The words of the Novena begin: “Saint Thérèse, the Little Flower, please pick me a rose from the Heavenly Garden and send it to me with a message of love, ask God to grant me the favor I thee implore and tell Him I will love Him each day more and more.”

At the end of every Novena, the faithful are said to receive a rose as a sign from Saint Thérèse. Without fail, every single time, I have had an unexpected rose appear in my path, even in the middle of winter. On one occasion, I prayed a Novena to her, and on the last day, I was randomly given a gift of a rosary—the word “rosary” means “a chain of roses.”

Two weeks in a row, I prayed the Novena for an important intention without telling anyone; both weeks, on the last day, I had two different people specifically pointing out a beautiful rose they saw in a garden. On another occasion, I was praying the Novena inr discernment if my brother should go to a new school or not; we got lost while driving, and our GPS took us to a complicated, out-of-the-way route which landed us right in front of a building with a huge wooden rose on the side of it!

The Right Click

When I injured my back and was losing my ballet career, I felt undirected. The secular world left me feeling that I was missing God’s purpose for my life altogether. I remember crying and praying to God one day, asking what I should be doing.

I had just started taking photos for my brother’s football team; a few of his friends had asked and even enjoyed the photos so much. When I stopped and opened my phone, I saw a comment on an Instagram post featuring the photos of my brother and his friends: “These photos are amazing; just keep doing what you’re doing with your photography.”

Those were the words I needed to hear—a perfectly worded answer to a question that only God knew I was asking. I kept taking photos which ended up meaning so much to the boys who received them.

God loves us deeply. He wants to show us His love in ordinary, simple ways daily. Be open to receiving this love, and once we are, He reveals it in places we’d never thought to look before. See the miraculous in the ordinary moments. Expect beautiful things to cross your path. Rejoice in the flowers God plants so you’ll see them on your way to work. Appreciate the stranger He sends to help you whenever you need. Know that you are never left alone but that God walks with you daily. Just allow Him in.


Sarah Barry

Sarah Barry is a student at the University of St Andrew’s in Scotland pursuing a degree in Biblical Studies. Her love of writing has allowed her to touch souls through her Instagram blog @theartisticlifeofsarahbarry.

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